[FoL] FoL 22 - The Blue Dragon and Scorned Win!

Kai could very well be the actual NK.

Andrej slipped into slanking when they never did so as Town

Accused Voters Votes
Alice AreteSlashStars, JaketheWolfie, Launchpad 3/7
EndoftheWorld Alice, Kai_5 2/7

Ping me if missed votes or for new votes

Also sorry for earlier. Still feel terrible about that

well i’m dead tonight so you can sleep easy dw

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Not enough evidence to prove that theory, Tbh.

  • Frostwolf103 - Princess
  • Priestess - Died Night 1 - The Prince
  • Htm - Good King
  • EndOfTheWorld - Alch/Hunter?
  • AreteSlashStars
  • Kape
  • Alice - CW
  • Kai_5
  • Launchpad - Outed Scorned
  • Andrej - Lynched Day 2 - The Assassin
  • Bazingaboy
  • Mincinmind
  • Possessed - Rezzed Noble
  • WazzaAzza - Noble
  • JaketheWolfie - Maid
  • Gikkle

What are the current claims?

/vote Alice

Spider-Man is a crook!

Are there any NKs that dont die to bleed

Actually nvm

From the Warlock class card:
Also, you are immune to death at night, once. This will not apply if attacked by a Blue Dragon player, however.
So if we assume Kai is a real knight, then EotW can’t be a Warlock (and vice versa).

Andrej could’ve been a legit Assassin. No one has claimed to be Sheriff or Pally

Ok so who do we want to hang tomorrow? EotW?

/vote Alice

Launch admitted it though

Not enough to go against though.
Wagon on them didn’t have fervor as if there was another scum on them

Plus I feel like I was right on them actually being evil
Like a lot

/unvote Alice

We should CS Alice tonight, and vote out EotW today.

Why would they other than to gain credibility?


Frame EotW. Don’t disguise…we need the flip.

Sheradin isn’t guaranteed


Could we not quick Lynch?

I kinda want to make nightplans