[FoL] FoL 22 - The Blue Dragon and Scorned Win!

I don’t really have great results on MU other than ALWAYS ROLLING PR and my town game being solid, but nice.


You think NK kills you? Idk. Cult won’t because its convert night. Crappy part is with no CW, they get a free convert.

What if cult tried to convert Launch?

Cult already get a convert off tonight that we can’t avoid
Getting rid of NK removes one kill

Possible, but I wouldn’t bank on that.
Baz makes far more sense as the n1 since I hard townread Alice

They could have, but Mincin could have still gotten a convert off. Tbh…I think someone was redirected to Mincin because I can’t fathom why Mincin would die like that. Hmm.

So in case we somehow manage to repeat yesterday, I just want to draw up a night plan quick.
Today: We hang EotW as a suspected NK.
Tonight, assuming EotW really is the NK:
-I check someone, it doesn’t really matter who since I’m dead to bleed anyway
-Kai CSes Alice and dies to bleed
-Frostwolf checks someone, though I’m not sure that anyone will give us anything particularly useful unless Alice-the-N1-convert turns out to be correct
-Jake matchmakes someone with me
-Gikkle WIFOMs on townreads/important town roles
-Kape tries to get an actual claim from Andrej
-Kape uses Last Rites on Andrej’s corpse if possible (can you use Last Rites on an altered flip, with it only working given that they actually were BD) in order to redirect Alice into me, since I’m dying anyway and so it doesn’t matter what she does to me
-Launchpad marks Baz

Am I forgetting anything? I think we actually have a shot of pulling this off, if we’re right that EotW is the NK.

Nk decided to play dicey

I don’t think it’s convert night tonight, because if we look at the deaths there was no erad but also no one capable of stopping an erad (unless we assume Mince ran into Gikkle, actually, I don’t know why I only just thought of that – but then who did the NK kill?)

Also rip my swear fealty

Wasted onto the scorned

I want Wazza to bounty Baz if he’s upped.

Here’s the thing: If Kai is NK, he won’t die and…why am I still up ugh

even if i’m nk i die to bleed lol

Don’t you mean Dark God’s Crown?


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Well that’s on you Htm, I did say Geyde was powerwolving lol

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Scorned power play is basically wolf awooooo

I’m more threatening as neut than as actual scum

That’s a good strat tbh.

Idk, I didn’t really like the Andrej play :frowning: