[FoL] FoL 22 - The Blue Dragon and Scorned Win!

Are you softing a cult game?

Wait, I think maybe you’re not supposed to ask that outright.

No I dont soft like I said only morons soft

Because all it atkes is one good scum to pick up on it

But town can be left in the dark

Poss and Alice seem to be against eachother

Bazinga seems to distrust Alice for some reason I cannot find.

I have to distrust alice every game or she will pocket everyone and kill me. She isn’t merciful enough to nightkill me she leaves me alive so I have to work myself out of the own hole I dig to stop myself from being lynched


Or you’re doing big brain scorned plays

Jake seems to have switched pretty abruptly from ‘d1 reads are evil, why would you ever do them’ to doing D1 reads. I’d like to think that this is just because they figured out that d1 reads are helpful, but now I can’t help but wonder if they have a basement buddy feeding them less suspicious things to say than ‘stop trying to do reads.’

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Oh bot i will get back here

Alice is unseen prince kill alice n2

Could be but it has to be a player who has the ability to lead their scum which kinda leads me to think… Alice.

Alice is obviously unseen did you read my posts on them good morning btw

Accepting for the moment that we have a Jake/Alice scumteam…
…then suddenly I’m starting to wonder if we need to execute EotW on the stand tomorrow, rather than leaving them to the Prince. It’s not impossible that Alice jumped on the ridiculously, blatantly scummy nature of EotW’s posts and, knowing that EotW is at the very least not Unseen/Cult, is pushing specifically for a prince exe as opposed to an exe on the stand in the hopes of forcing the prince to lose exes.

I don’t know, I’m probably overthinking this. I still think the most likely option is EotW as one half of the Unseen team, though I can’t reconcile that at all with the Jake-is-groupscum-being-prompted theory because I don’t think EotW would prompt Jake to start making reads.

He claimed to be a neutral that somehow knows this is an Unseen game. A Prince won’t lose executions even if he is a neutral.

What if they’re just a really bad BD? It’s astronomically unlikely, but it’s not completely impossible.

Fakeclaiming neutral to the Prince as BD is equivalent to gamethrowing, so I doubt it.

I’m almost definitely overthinking this.

Well, they aren’t fakeclaiming neutral to the Prince right now, they’re (possibly-fake-)claiming neutral to the court.