[FoL] FoL 22 - The Blue Dragon and Scorned Win!

1 minute. Godspeed to everyone. Hope to see only evils dead.

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Night 1 starts and will end in 24 hours at 2019-07-01T18:00:00Z. Please send in your actions before then.

Missing some actions.


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You awake to two screams coming from two different parts of the castle. Hearing the one coming from the Royal Family’s section of the castle you all book it down there first since they fund this whole castle, and you wouldn’t have a house without them. You rush into the King’s Bedroom. There he is, lying cold and stiff. Until one of you pokes him hoping for the best. You hear a small murmur. They poke again, as he stirs, sits up, and yawns confused on what is going on. You explain the screaming and he gets up to lead the hunt. The crowd follows running past his children’s suites until you get to the Eldest Kin’s room to see that the door is slightly ajar and that there is bloody footprints coming out of the room. You slowly open the door to find that…

Priestess has died last night. They were:

The Prince :crossed_swords: :shield: :fire:

Blue Dragon Killer
Unstoppable (Passive) - You cannot be occupied at night, even by means that bypass occupy immunity. You are also immune to target changing.
Royal Blood (Passive) - Votes to become king count as two for you.
Imprison (Day) - Choose a player to jail at night occupying the target (Bypasses occupy immunity) and preventing visits to them. You both will be able to send each other a single 1000 character message through the host. - Infinite uses
Execute (Night) - Kill the player you have jailed (Bypasses night immunity). If the executed is a member of the Blue Dragon, you will not be able to execute for the rest of the game. - 3 uses, available starting Night 2
Mercy (Night) - Heal the player you have jailed. If you have executed a member of Blue Dragon, this ability is disabled. - 2 uses
Your objective is to defeat the Unseen or Cult, and any neutrals that seek to do you harm

We found the following logs on their person:

Priestess's Logs

Prince Priestess
n1. Jail Jake

The king wails in agony as his eldest and next in line is dead. You have never seen this man show emotion before. Well that’s unimportant now you still have another unaccounted for scream, you leave the king and continue searching. You head on over to the Less Royal housing of the castle. The rooms all seem empty, if you count a fully furnished royal suite with no people empty. Then again you notice something off. There at the end of the hallway is another slightly ajar door. You get up close and you hear something dripping. They probably left their sink on. Wait are there Sinks? Who knows? Who Cares? You enter to see somebody bleeding, hanging over one side of their bed, you check the body to see that…

Possessed has also died last night. They were:

The Noble

Blue Dragon Social
Royal Blood (Passive) - Votes to become king count as two for you.
Court Spies (Day) - Select 2 players. Send a message saying “Noble’s Spies close in on you!” to any targeted members of the Unseen/Cult. Those targeted members will be removed from Unseen/Cult chat for the coming night and day. - 2 uses.
Gossip (Night) - Target a player and learn if any and which of these things happens to them tonight. - Infinite Uses

They were successfully Investigated.
They were successfully Occupied.
Their target was successfully swapped.

Bounty (Night) - If target player is executed tomorrow and is Blue Dragon then there will be an additional vote for execution. Only one Bounty may take effect per day. You cannot target King. - 2 uses
Your objective is to defeat the Unseen or Cult, and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

We found the following logs on their person:

Possessed's Logs

Possessed, The Noble

N1 - Gossip Alice

  1. Frostwolf103 - Null; Posting has been a bit strange, but I will reserve judgement until he attempts his reads.
  2. Priestess - Slight Townlean; doing a good job right now of staying low-key but remaining pretty townie.
  3. Htm :crown: - Null, slight scumlean; has unit attempted to gamesolve and is more or less following vocal majority, a move an EK would make to find their allies.
  4. EndOfTheWorld - Scumlock; lolcatting, making wild accusations and being disruptive in general. Definitely not groupscum and more than likely neutral-evil scum.
  5. AreteSlashStars - Townlock and potential convert/kill target; gamesolvey and very clearly knows what to look for in evils.
  6. Kape - Town lean; also gamesolvey and genuine in responses.
  7. Alice - Scumlean; this is a tricky one because I haven’t seen great observations from Alice which lead me to believe she is not townsided. Likely groupscum.
  8. Kai_5 - Null; definitely a person who needs to talk more soon since inactivity can be a scum strategy.
  9. Launchpad - Null, slight scumlean; originally I believed him to be powerwolving, but I may be giving him too much credit here. His idea of picking 1-2 people to tunnel screams scum attempting to redirect attention, but he’s also willing to self-reflect.
  10. Andrej - Null; zero posts, newish player…not looking great if this actually is scum.
  11. Bazingaboy - Null, slight townlean; usual Baz stuff like ridiculous accusations but nothing in particular screams town or scum and I am not ready to fully dismiss Baz on a meta read.
  12. Mincinmind - Scumlean; I think this is another potential groupscum who hasn’t yet figured out how to wolf since this is his first game. Piggybacking majority while feigning activity and making weird, pointless discussion.
  13. Possessed - Town obviously.
  14. WazzaAzza - Townlean, high chance of convert/kill; if I am to believe Wazza, I know his class. Genuine in responses and rebuttal leads me to believe he is actually town.
  15. JakeTheWolfie - Scumlean; another potential player who has been posting weird stuff and overall acting very anti-town. Maid claim is also worrying; potential groupscum.
  16. Gikkle - Null; needs to post more content to truly give a feel for what side they are on and another good push for content in the coming days.

Mincin needs to be pushed tomorrow, bottom line. I’m hoping an invest has been on Mincin or Alice, but I gossiped Alice because I don’t want her to be framed and she’s a wildcard for me right now.

Day 2 starts and will end in 72 hours at 2019-07-04T18:00:00Z or when majority is reached.

With 14 players alive, majority is 8, from now on each day has a lynch.

I’m posting my readlist for if I got killed now, because it would’ve been really hard to edit it in the time since the night ended. Obviously some of these reads are going to be revised given last night’s events and people’s night results.

Possessed - Easy BD read. I would be very surprised if Possessed is starting evil.

Kape - Very BD in my opinion. His reads feel genuine, and he seems like he’s trying to contribute. The flip from considering EotW as definitely-not-neutral to scummy neut is a little weird but makes sense when we consider Jake.

Priestess - if there’s one thing I’ve learned from reading through other threads with Priestess in them, it’s that reads on her are generally non-alignment-indicative, as she pretty consistently gets read as evil (but somehow never gets exe’d). Her early posts seem a little scummy, but her later ones seem generally BD, and I’m inclined to take those as more indicative since those are the ones where she had more information to use. Many of her contributions are subtle (e.g. asking if MM is occ immune rather than telling us outright that they are), which makes me wonder if she’s an important role trying to fly under-the-radar. She’s weirdly defensive of EotW; she’s known in ToL for being unusually neuts in, but if EotW flips groupscum I’d be inclined to seriously revisit my read on her.

Launchpad - Lean town, reads seem to be general with a natural progression. They haven’t been as active as some of the other townies. The one weird thing I noticed is the sudden flip on Possessed with no justification, but to be honest I read the Possessed/Launchpad thing as a town v. town situation.

Frostwolf - seems … maybe BD? Not a lot of reads or explanation in their posts, but IIRC they aren’t one for extensive analysis. Softed invest, softed class with a day ability, I’m more confident that they were softing having a day ability. I’d change my read here if they end up claiming a class without an ability that can be usable D1.

Null/I’m confused

HTM - Definitely trying to appear to be BD. I’m not convinced from my Iso of them that they actually are, most of their contributions seem to be prompting other people to contribute and they haven’t made many reads (other than Jake/Alice as a scumteam) – but obviously we get info from other people’s reads. I think we leave HTM alone for now and revisit the question in a couple of days, and in particular once we have more info on what Jake and Alice are.

Alice - I had her as a townread before but her defense of Jake seemed kind of weird, especially given how hard she pushed on EotW. I’m inclined to think she and Jake are on the same team, which rules out the possibility of either being neutral but obviously includes a chance of them both being BD.

Kay - Null read. Basically hasn’t posted, citing real life concerns. The longer the game goes on the scummier his lack of posts gets, but for now I’m keeping him as null.

Andrej - Null read. Has greeted us and posted no other content.

Gikkle - Null to very slight scum. They’ve posted a few times, so they aren’t just AFK, but their posts haven’t really been particularly solvey. They haven’t really been acting like groupscum but they might be a cautious NK.

Mincinmind - Lean scum, though obviously at some point we run into the ‘there can only be so many starting scum’ problem, and also I don’t know how much I’m being subconsciously influenced by everyone else saying they’re scum. Still, the only reads they’ve produced are ‘EotW is scum, stop wasting time on them’ and ‘Arete is probably BD,’ both of which are basically indisputed in the thread at the moment.

WazzaAzza - Lean scum. None of their posts are remotely solvey, nor do they contain any sort of useful read/progression/etc. On the plus side, if Possessed is BD, they know what WazzaAzza’s claim is and can make reads based on that, and I think Wazza’s reaction to accidentally outing their claim is genuine.

Bazingaboy - So I realize this is apparently just the way Bazinga is, but this is my readlist, and the prince thing still doesn’t seem BD to me, and I’m not sure they’ve contributed anything particularly useful to the thread. On the other hand, I’ve seen nothing to suggest that they have a partner, and they really don’t feel like groupscum based on their later posts, so that leaves scummy neuts and NK. I don’t think an NK would draw attention to themself like that, making them a scummy neut at worst. I’m going to feel really dumb if they end up being the Prince.

JaketheWolfie - Super scummy. So scummy In particular, likely MM, because their sudden flip in behavior suggests they have a partner and their request that we check them S/I implies they aren’t the assassin. They also claimed to have a really good class, then followed that up with a maid claim, which I suppose could be their real preference but seems kind of weird. None of his reads make sense and he doesn’t explain why he’s going against thread consensus, he’s just making random reads with no logic. I think this is the best D2 lynch, and even if they are BD we still get information from their flip. On the other hand, if they turn out not to be scum that basically clears Alice. If Jake does flip groupscum, that suggests they have a partner experienced enough to guide them towards acting BD but perhaps not experienced enough to make it look natural.

EotW - So scummy in thread that I didn’t actually bother to Iso them, since I don’t think I could distinguish various forms of scum reliably. There is absolutely no way EotW flips BD. They should die in jail N2 so that we can be sure no one altered their flip, and in particular that EotW isn’t a fool. If they flip groupscum I want to revisit the people they pushed on – early pushes are likely cleared of being groupscum, later pushes may be planted on the theory that we’d think anyone EotW was pushing on was BD. The groupscum read on them was mostly based on them knowing it was an Unseen game, so if it’s a cult game they’re more likely to be a scummy neut.

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Obviously Priestess and Possessed are dead, which makes them basically confirmed as BD (unless their flips were altered, which I don’t think they were). This makes me more confident in my other townreads being BD-as-of-yesterday, but obviously I have way more scumreads than actual scum.

ok i should be back in full force. Imma reread day 1 and pick out things that i find scummy

Arete is confirmed not the killer of Priestess for still putting her there. Usually the killer would remove the dead person as they no longer matter for reads.

well other than EoTW’s entire ISO

Also not the killer of Poss for same reasons

Can I get your read on Alice? Something about her posts yesterday doesn’t sit right with me, but I can’t be certain.

you asked the wrong person for good reads but i will give their ISO a run through

Also Jake is probably not NK or Assassin based on last nights kill. He can still and likely is MM though

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/vote Kai_5

Except no, you are scum.

I’m bleeding.

/vote Alice.