[FoL] FoL 22 - The Blue Dragon and Scorned Win!

I’m not getting good vibes from Alice either tbh.

She had weird reasoning to suspect Minc but not Jake

Wait, would Alice be that obvious?

Alice is honestly too good of a player for me to read correctly, but heres my best shot.
I would honestly put Alice at a slight town lean, while the LHF defense on Jake can easily be seen as white knighting (scum defending a player they know is town to make it seem like their reads or more on point. Could be wrong feel free to correct me) I don’t get that vibe from those posts. It seems as if Alice is genuine with them not wanting to ML. Thats my take on them

excuse me why am I scum

Now I’m Wifom-ing this. Alice is a good player, good enough that she probably wouldn’t random bleed me D2 after I ask someone to Iso her, but maybe she would bleed me in the hopes of me thinking that that’s what was happening.

Accused Voters Votes
Kai_5 Frostwolf103 1/8
Alice AreteSlashStars 1/8

Yeah probably, Assassin is definitely active and we have no prince to execute Kai.

Now that you say it… idk. Especially since losing a MM can easily be refixed early.

woah thats extremely fucking angleshooty

I don’t think Alice is MM, I think our theory yesterday that she and Jake were on a scumteam together with her as Assassin and Jake as MM is not implausible.

The bleed action is used so use, you are still most likely Assassin.

*soon, not use

I was in prince last night

so because I am active in thread after being away most of D1 due to IRL circumstances im scum? you realize scum could be around but just not posting?

Is this considered angleshototing :thinking:

1 Like

Actually no, I got red check on you

thats complete bullshit

You realize Priestess left us a logbook, right? Unless someone altered her flip, you’re even more confirmed as scum than you were before.

No it is not, scum.

/vote Frost
Rescind your bullshit red check. Do you really want to get in a TvT thunder dome?