[FoL] FoL 22 - The Blue Dragon and Scorned Win!

Then you weren’t occupied, it was because Jake was jailed.

Accused Voters Votes
Kai_5 Frostwolf103, EndoftheWorld 2/8
Alice AreteSlashStars 1/8

Frost is sheriff you are outed unseen are you joke

Ah, sorry, I was asking EotW, though now EotW claims occupied, something which they shouldn’t (if I read the feedback guide correctly) know.

In any case, I think it’s possible that Kay is a BD killer (or offensive). Right now I’d be more focused on Alice.

Wait is that why you are voting him?

I don’t think Frost’s as scum would generally favour claiming sheriff when saying got a red check instead of weird claiming princess like that.

I thoght jailor was on me but it was on jack so idk

Priestess didnt even write down jakes claim what a disaster

Nice, our NK is basically confirmed. Alch doesn’t have emerald here, do they? Since their wincon is different?

Hold on, how does EoTW know that? Is he claiming he is occupied?

Alright frost is likely town
If you want my claim i claim Knight who was on Alice last night to prevent an SPK

Are you saying that evils somehow knew what my read was despite me posting it after Priestess died, or are you saying I’m evil? Because if it’s the latter I’d like to hear your justification for it.

Nope they don’t

Good catch

EotW first claimed jailed, then claimed occupied, and when asked to explain it said that they had tried to kill Jake but been unsuccessful.

Oh I thought you just reposted the reads from yesterday

My current predictions:
-Jake is MM
-Alice is Assassin
-EotW is either an NK or a scummy neut

You better because I am going to check your alignment tonight

End needs to die tbh

Idk if we should waste a lynch on him but he is like lockscum

EOTW is clearly just the real fool

No, this was the readlist I put in my logs for if I died last night. My other readlist from yesterday was shorter.


/vote EndOfTheWorld