[FoL] FoL 22 - The Blue Dragon and Scorned Win!

Andrej has been lynched they were…

The Assassin :crossed_swords: :shield:

Unseen Killer
Hidden Blade (Day) - Cut your target, causing them to bleed. They will bleed and die in two nights if not healed. - 3 uses (shared)
Distract (Day) - Distract a player, rendering them unable to any day abilities for the rest of the day. - 1 use
Assassinate (Night) - Kill a player. - Infinite uses
2-for-1 (Night) - Kill two target players. - 1 use (shared)
Your objective is to defeat the Blue Dragon and any neutrals that seek to do you harm

We found no logs to Andrej’s name

Day 2 has ended. Night 2 starts and will end in 24 hours at 2019-07-03T01:45:00Z


@Geyde @PoisonedSquid @Solic can one of you lock this when you get a chance

Still missing some actions.


Actions are locked

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After the Noble Massacre that was yesterday, the group in the castle decided Andrej was guilty for their murders. After lynching him, you all worked together together to not only clean up, but remove the bodies from the two crime scenes. You were all kinda tired at that point and didn’t feel like burying them, so you threw them in the main room of the castle’s one corner with Andrej’s body. After waking the next morning the group hurried in checking in on everyone to make sure there was no more murders. Nothing seemed off at first so, everyone headed to the corpse pile to see if there were any new bodies. You count them Andrej, Priestess and wait that ones slightly moving. AHHHH not the UNDEAD! Wait hes not trying to eat our brains, he’s just trying to speak to us

Possessed has had his voice brought back to the living!

Back on to counting corpses in the Corpse Pile, the group thought. So we have the two we counted, the one that is now back to life, kinda… and oh is this a new corpse or just someone sleeping on the most comfortable spot in the castle. Someone brave volunteers to poke him, the corpse rolls over and you realize…

Mincinmind had Died! They were…

The Cult Leader :crossed_swords: :shield:

Cult Special
Train (Passive) - At any point before the start of the first night, you may message the GM and choose the Cult alts that the Cult class that spawned with you will receive, based on a non-unique class they can be converted from. If you do not choose the Cult alts, they will receive a random valid set.
Fanaticism (Passive) - You are immune to death at night until you successfully convert a player, where upon this passive is disabled. (Starting Cult Leader only)
Disguise (Day) - If the target player dies tonight, they will appear as a class of your choice. - 3 uses
Rupture (Day) - Cause a player to bleed. They will bleed and die in two nights if not healed. - 3 uses (shared)
Brainwash (Night) - Change target player into the Cult version of their class. If you have failed to convert a target twice already and your next conversion would fail it will instead target a random convertible player. - Infinite uses, 1 night cooldown
Blood of Mithras (Night) - Kill a Cult player and a non-Cult player. The first use of this will not kill the cult player. - Infinite uses
Your objective is to defeat the Blue Dragon and any neutrals that seek to do you harm

No Logs were found on Mincinminds’s body.

Day 3 starts and will end in 72 hours at 2019-07-06T02:00:00Z or until Majority is hit.

With 12 players alive, majority is 7.

Why was Mincin the nk
Why was there only one nk

So wait, was Mincin the one that made possessed be able to speak? And if he was, did that mean that possessed can’t speak anymore since mincin died?

IIRC, yep.

well, as you can tell EoTW was immune

So as before I’m going to post the readlist that would have been in my logs if I’d died last night. Obviously last night’s events render some of these false.

Kape - basically locktown, unless he got converted. He’s been acting really BD, as I wrote last time, and I see nothing to prompt me to revise that assessment.

Frostwolf - Their princess claim seems basically trustworthy, and they correctly identified Kai’s classtype, despite being obviously unable to be on a scumteam with them. They’ve also been acting basically BD.

Launchpad - The only way I see this being anything other than BD is if they’re a scorned who disguised Andrej as the Assassin. The ‘I bountied Andrej’ plan is otherwise ridiculously risky, and would pretty much guarantee that they’d be outed. Anyway, this seems pretty obviously a real noble.

Alice - with Alice cleared from potential assassin-i-ness, I think the most likely option is that she’s BD. I have reason to believe she isn’t the MM, and while she could be the NK my reasons for suspecting her yesterday were predicated on the idea of a Jake/Alice scumteam.

HTM - Probably GK? I’m not really sure, but they seem to be acting GK, apart from that super sketchy quickhammer on Andrej.

Jake - I don’t want to believe he’s BD, I really don’t, but my main theory on how he could be non-BD was the Jake/Alice scumteam. With that having been proven wrong, I think it’s more likely that Alice’s read on him is honest, and therefore that he’s BD. The one thing I want to do is to count the kills tonight from non-BD sources; if he really was the MM, Unseen couldn’t have killed tonight, since the night 1 convert would have failed with him in jail.

Null/I’m confused:

Bazinga - I’m still not sure what was up with that weird attack-Launchpad-the-Prince thing, but everyone else seems to be reading them as BD on the grounds that they’re just like that. They’re going in this section because everyone else is convinced they’re BD.

Kai - How much I trust Kai depends a lot on (a) whether Kai is dead to bleed tomorrow night, and (b) what happens with the EotW CS. If they successfully manage a CS on EotW they’re basically confirmed, particularly if EotW flips Fool over alch; even if it doesn’t work, I do actually think EotW would be a better first exe as the likely NK/MM (and thus the likely person-who-can’t-be-CS’d). I do still wish they’d followed the night plan, and it’s not impossible that they were the N1 convert who found EotW the MM Death Immune and then had to come up with an explanation for that.

Wazza - Third noble claim, and bountied the worst possible target. Also, the person who knew their claim is dead – but there was always the risk of them outing Wazza’s claim in their logs, unless Wazza is an NK with the capability to alter them. Might have been trying to make themself look BD with a noble claim, since noble is hard to fakeclaim.


Gikkle - Very slight scumlean, mostly because a null read at this point is a scum read (since most BD have done something to look BD).

Mincinmind - Same general idea as Gikke, but moreso. They’re being bountied, so they’re basically a safe exe, except in as much as BD runs the risk of losing majority by lynching members. Let’s not exe this eight hours into the day this time.

EotW: So incredibly, obviously scummy. If this isn’t dead to Kai’s CS it should be the lynch after Mince. Their push on Andrej doesn’t really line up with their suspicion on them as MM, but there is absolutely no way that EotW flips BD.

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I forgot the header here, but the first group of reads should be townreads.

so uh
/vote EndOfTheWorld
unless he was healed or i was occupied or somehow prevented. He is lock scum

While I generally don’t usually lynch neutral claims, since we’re still NK hunting and it’s also a confirmed Unseen game then he could be either of these roles as well.

/vote EndOfTheWorld

I just want to note that Wazza was supposed to bounty Mince, to make up for their bountying a lock-non-BD, and this makes me mildly suspicious that they were trying to avoid suspicion. It’s also possible that someone else did it to make Wazza look suspicious.

if he’s telling the truth about being alch doesn’t that mean he has a passive death immunity?

why the fuck would a neut survivor have fucking passive death immunity

The Mincin kill screams something fishy
They were going to get lynched

Highkey Waz scum

The problem I have with him is that he somehow knew this was an Unseen game from the start. Immunity, claiming Alch, and that knowledge points to him being likely the MM.

Also, I absolutely agree that EotW is lockscum, but I think we should wait until later today to execute them, so that we can actually, you know, discuss things for more than eight hours.