[FoL] FoL 22 - The Blue Dragon and Scorned Win!

My logs literally say.

Are you saying he’s BD Knight and not NK?

If he’s lying he fuckin dies tomorrow

I wouldn’t trust having NK running loose.

If you are really unsure we can also have Gikkle CS Alice for insurance


Well duh, that’s why I said that.

Then who is?!

EotW? Or maybe Gikkle, Gikkle also didn’t follow the N1 nightplan for knights.

Yeah that’s true.

At least Kai 5 have excuse to prevent SPK but you know…


I’m outed Scorned
Andrej was very likely nontown due to inactivity
We have unaccounted redirect
There was no redirect last night with outed Kai knight who was going to CS
Ergo Andrej was warlock

That’s two neut slots

EotW hardclaimed neut

What class does hunter turn into, Invoker? Acolyte?


Okay so EoTW can still use Icy Touch to occupy me.

/vote EndoftheWorld

I believe we’re running out of evidence to point out, we’re ready?

I have evidence that i am evil:

I’m the Maid.

Tonight, assuming EotW really is the NK :
-I check someone, it doesn’t really matter who since I’m dead to bleed anyway
-Kai CSes Alice and dies to bleed
-Frostwolf checks someone, though I’m not sure that anyone will give us anything particularly useful unless Alice-the-N1-convert turns out to be correct, which I really doubt
-Jake matchmakes someone with me
-Gikkle WIFOMs on townreads/important town roles
-Kape tries to get an actual claim from Andrej, though we have him as likely Warlock anyway
-Launchpad marks Baz
-Wazza should Bounty Baz so that we have another chance of getting the N1 convert

How do you know andrej is warlok

(Repost from earlier.)