[FoL] FoL 22 - The Blue Dragon and Scorned Win!

You hammer what?

That is no vote

Accused Voters Votes
Alice Wazza 1/7
EndoftheWorld Alice, Kai_5, JaketheWolfie, Frostwolf103, AreteSlashStars, Kape 6/7
WazzaAzza EndoftheWorld 1/7

Ping me for missed votes, or new votes

I mean it could have been a hammer

In my advanced deduction, that is lot of hammers

1 Like

/vote endoftheworld



Good luck!

Am i gonna see dead chat and all roles

Remember this.


Twilight posting, shut

NO MORE TALK. That’s your WARNING to all

Accused Voters Votes
Alice Wazza 1/7
EndoftheWorld Alice, Kai_5, JaketheWolfie, Frostwolf103, AreteSlashStars, Kape, Bazingaboy 7/7
WazzaAzza EndoftheWorld 1/7

Majoritity has been reached and…

EndoftheWorld has been lynched they were…

The Warlock (Unofficial Class) :shield: :fire:

Neutral Offensive
Dark Magics (Passive) - You appear as a member of the Unseen or Cult (depending on which is present in the game) to investigations. Also, you are immune to death at night, once. This will not apply if attacked by a Blue Dragon player, however.
Detect Thoughts (Day) - Cast a spell that reveals your target’s last night action to you. - 4 uses
Carnage (Day) - Cast a spell that causes all kills tonight to bypass all forms of protection or prevention. - 1 use
Mind Control (Night) - Cast a spell that forces your target to target somebody of your choosing. - 3 uses
Seeming (Night) - Make yourself and one other person of your choice appear as members of the Blue Dragon to investigations. - 2 uses
See the blue dragon defeated at any cost.

We found these logs on his body:

Possed rn:

Curb Your Enthusiasm Theme

Geyde laughs

Night 3 has started and will last 24 hours. It will end at 2019-07-04T19:15:00Z. Please send in your actions before then.


Actions are locked. All actions are in, so night will end early to fit host schedule.


Possessed’s voice starts to murmur and is snuffed out!

Kape has died! They were:

The Priest :shield:

Blue Dragon Social
Religious Fervor (Passive) - Your presence ensures that any religious rivals do not nest in Adiart. The Mystic will not spawn.
Call of The Dead (Passive) - You can talk to the dead at night.
Last Rites (Night) - Use target dead Blue Dragon Non-Killer’s infinite use ability on an alive player. You will only be seen visiting the alive one. You may not use the same corpse more than once - Infinite Uses
Channel (Night) - The target dead player’s voice will be brought back to life until you die. They may speak and use your vote. Upon being converted, target dead player will also be converted, provided they can be. You are immune to occupation and redirection while using this ability. - 1 use
Your objective is to defeat the Unseen or Cult, and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

The following logs were found

Kape's logs

Frostwolf103 - TOWN
Priestess - TOWN
Htm - leaning town
EndOfTheWorld - Scum/Neut
AreteSlashStars - TOWN princess, bleeding d2
Alice - SCUM n1 convert or starting cult
Kai_5 - might be real knight? bleeding d2, IF ALIVE d4 KILL KILL KILL
Launchpad - NEUT scorned
Bazingaboy - hunter, n1/n2 convert?
Mincinmind - SCUM
Possessed - TOWN
WazzaAzza - town? noble
JakeTheWolfie - town maid
Gikkle - knight… null read

Possessed: Alice was successfully investigated AND had her target redirected. Perhaps onto you [Priestess]
Possessed: Btw Kape since you’re the only one actually alive for this, Launchpad likely pulled a Scorned play. Watch out for his votes tomorrow.

Andrej: i am confused, is my role chronomancer or assassin


Minci claims to be coached by the other cult into doing stuff. Look into better players as starting Cult.

JakeTheWolfie has died. They were:

The Maid

Blue Dragon Investigative
Change Sheets (Day) - Target two corpses. At the end of the night, learn if they were killed by the same player. - 2 uses
Rumor (Day) - Target player will be “last checked” in regards to Matchmake. Cannot be used day 1. - 2 Uses.
Matchmake (Night) - Test if target is compatible with the player you last checked. - Infinite Uses
Your objective is to defeat the Unseen or Cult, and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

The following logs were found

JakeTheWolfie's logs

Jake - Maid

N1 - Jailed
N2 - Matchmake Arete
D3 - Change Sheets (Possessed & Mincinmind)
N3 - Matchmake [Arete] - Gikkle

AreteSlashStars has died. They were:

The Princess

Blue Dragon Investigative
Royal Blood (Passive) - Votes to become king count as two for you.
Flirt (Night) - Flirt with a player, you get a pairing of class types. Their class type will be one of the two. The pairings are Killer/Offensive, Support/Social and Special/Investigative. - Infinite uses
Will-o-Wisp (Night) - Release a Will O’ Wisp, lighting your target’s room. You will learn their faction. - 2 uses
Your objective is to defeat the Unseen or Cult, and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

The following logs were found

AreteSlashStar's logs

Arete - Princess

N1 - Flirt Alice - K/O

D2 - Bled (most likely by Alice)

N2 - Flirt Gikkle - K/O

N3 - Wisp Frostwolf

Frostwolf is among the people in potential N1 convert territory, and notably is definitely not going to get marked by our Scorned friend. I’m choosing them because I think they’re unlikely to be the lynch target tomorrow; the theory here is that when Kape speaks with the dead tomorrow night, he’ll get my result, and then he can put it in his journal. Baz might be the scorned target depending on whether Launchpad got the if-EotW-is-Warlock-mark-Kai memo, Kai is pretty much confirmed as the NK, Gikkle is self-resolving depending on the result of the CS on Alice, and Alice is pretty much confirmed as Cult

So, before I add anything else, I want to preemptively address the question of my flip. I think it is absolutely possible that my flip was altered by the cult, so I’d just like to remind you that Alice in particular spent the rest of the day lolcatting after my check on her, meaning that even if I flip Seeker I was, pretty obviously, not that. (Also that I’ve spent three days being the consensus townread, which I probably couldn’t fake as newbie scum, but maybe you don’t trust me on that point.)

I’m really sorry about misjudging the exact manner in which EotW was scum. I can’t really see a path to victory for us at this point, and as one of the people driving the EotW wagon I’m sorry about totally screwing us over. On the plus side, I guess the game is basically solved now? yay? but yeah, I really fucked up here.

I think a pivotal question right now is why there are only two deaths. Possibilities that have occurred to me:

-Both the NK and the cult decided to target Mince, who was cult-defiled to look like the CL. This seems unlikely - why would both independently decide to attack the same, already suspicious target?

Readlist, as of tonight:

-Kape: BD. Obvious BD. The only possible risk here is that he got converted N2 after a missed N1, but his behavior has pretty consistently stayed BD as far as I can tell.

-Possessed: BD as per the fact that he’s linked with Kape.

-Jake: Can’t be the N1 convert, as he was jailed. If they went for him night 1 that would explain the lack of an erad N2 but it would be really weird to convert the guy who’s going to be jailed.

-Wazza: The first bounty was really suspicious but they had an excuse for failing the second bounty right there and didn’t take it, which makes me think they’re a real noble.

-Frostwolf: Probably BD, might be the N1 convert.

Scum, with my predictions about what they are:

-Bazinga: Seems like the likely N1 convert. My only hesitation here is that the death patterns don’t seem to line up with a N1 convert even having have happened.

-Kai: Likely NK, given the failed CS on EotW. Pretty much self-resolves by bleeding out.

-Alice: Confirmed scum. Was a K/O court wizard claim, and we know where the Scorned was. When confronted she immediately started openwolfing. I think she’s most likely to be cult, because if she were NK I doubt she’d’ve just given up like that; most likely, she’s the starting Acolyte, now CL.


-HTM: Acting EK, but I’m not sure if it’s mathematically possible for us to win if HTM is EK, so if it’s in doubt at all after tonight we should assume GK even if it’s irrational (basically, the theory here is that if our odds of winning are 0 percent if HTM is EK and >0 percent if HTM is GK, but higher if HTM is GK and we act like it than if HTM is GK and we don’t act like it, we should act like HTM is GK even if treating HTM as EK is more reasonable.)

-Gikkle: Pretty much self-resolving given the CS that’s supposed to happen on Alice (unless HTM guards her, which isn’t unlikely if he’s EK).

-Launchpad: Is a literal outed Scorned.

The one thing I think we need to think really hard about is the question of why there was only one death last night. Possibilities that have occurred to me:

-Mince, who was the CL, missed the N1 convert (most likely by trying to convert Launchpad, but possibly by trying to convert Priestess, triggering Alice’s thing). The N2 death was to the NK, who targeted Mince for some reason. (this would support the Wazza is the NK theory. Cult knows if Wazza is the NK or not because Cult knows if Alice was removed from Cult chat.)

-Cult and the NK attacked the same target N2 (and Cult disguised them). This one would be really weird.

-The NK attacked Mince N2, while Cult went for the NK and obviously failed to kill them.

-Andrej was the NK; Mince was disguised as CL, rather than actual CL, as the result of the erad.

-Andrej was the NK; Mince ran into Gikkle (or Kai, in this scenario) trying to kill whoever they were targeting.

Jake’s Change Sheets should resolve at least some of these possibilities, though obviously we don’t have anything that can block conversions and so they might go for Jake. Death counts might also help to resolve these. If there are unexpectedly few deaths (remember that I’m dying to bleeding, not to attack) that suggests the Andrej-was-the-NK theory is more likely to be correct; note as well that Andrej was K/O according to Frostwolf. Obviously if Kai is the NK then Andrej wasn’t.

Alice has died. They were:

The Acolyte :crossed_swords:

Cult Killer
Spirit of Mithras (Passive) - Starting with the second use of the Cult Leader’s Blood of Mithras, if you would be sacrificed, the first time you will not die.
Flesh to Flesh (Day) - Choose 2 players. If one of them is attacked tonight by a non-cult member then you will attack the other. - 2 uses
Curse of Mithras (Night) - If the target is bled tomorrow, they will die in 1 night instead of 2 nights. - 1 use
Sacrilege (Night) - If the Cult Leader’s conversion fails or they use Blood of Mithras, you will shoot their target for them instead. Does not count as a visit. - 2 uses
Your objective is to defeat the Blue Dragon and any Neutrals that oppose you.

No logs could be found.

Day 4 starts and will end in 72 hours at 2019-07-07T18:00:00Z or until Majority is hit.

With 7 players alive, majority is 4!

So Alice is Hunter that bled Kai D2, who didn’t die.

Which also resolves that Andrej is BD, so there is no possibility that he’s considered part of starter cult.

Alice’s flip is not disguised since Alice likely used this to Kape.

Curse of Mithras (Night) - If the target is bled tomorrow, they will die in 1 night instead of 2 nights. - 1 use