Okay good luck.
Do not talk during twilight phase.
You got fucking bamboozled because Kai can bypass death immunity, king guard is useless
STOP tallking! Give me a couple minutes, and I’ll get to the flip
Majority has been reached! And Please refrain from Twilight Posting in the future guys!
Accussed | Voters | Votes |
Bazingaboy | Launchpad, Kai_5, WazzaAzza, Gikkle | 4/4 |
Kai_5 | Frotwolf103, Bazingaboy | 2/4 |
Bazingaboy has been lynched! They were…
The Cult Leader
Cult Special
Train (Passive) - At any point before the start of the first night, you may message the GM and choose the Cult alts that the Cult class that spawned with you will receive, based on a non-unique class they can be converted from. If you do not choose the Cult alts, they will receive a random valid set.
Fanaticism (Passive) - You are immune to death at night until you successfully convert a player, where upon this passive is disabled. (Starting Cult Leader only)
Disguise (Day) - If the target player dies tonight, they will appear as a class of your choice. - 3 uses
Rupture (Day) - Cause a player to bleed. They will bleed and die in two nights if not healed. - 3 uses (shared)
Brainwash (Night) - Change target player into the Cult version of their class. If you have failed to convert a target twice already and your next conversion would fail it will instead target a random convertible player. - Infinite uses, 1 night cooldown
Blood of Mithras (Night) - Kill a Cult player and a non-Cult player. The first use of this will not kill the cult player. - Infinite uses
Your objective is to defeat the Blue Dragon and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.
No logs were found on his body.
Night 4 Begins and will end in 24 hours at 2019-07-05T21:25:00Z
Please submit your actions beforehand
If all actions are submitted Im willing to start day early
Still missing some actions.
Don’t talk until host posts
SOD will be done shortly. Actions are locked.
After the blood bath yesterday. You all stopped for night to get some rest after another lynch. Realizing at this point that there are more dead than alive, the corpse pile that yall kept forgetting to deal with was gigantic. On top of the pile of course is OF COURSE another body. Who was it? Just read below…
Frostwolf has died! They were…
The Cult Leader
Cult Special
Train (Passive) - At any point before the start of the first night, you may message the GM and choose the Cult alts that the Cult class that spawned with you will receive, based on a non-unique class they can be converted from. If you do not choose the Cult alts, they will receive a random valid set.
Fanaticism (Passive) - You are immune to death at night until you successfully convert a player, where upon this passive is disabled. (Starting Cult Leader only)
Disguise (Day) - If the target player dies tonight, they will appear as a class of your choice. - 3 uses
Rupture (Day) - Cause a player to bleed. They will bleed and die in two nights if not healed. - 3 uses (shared)
Brainwash (Night) - Change target player into the Cult version of their class. If you have failed to convert a target twice already and your next conversion would fail it will instead target a random convertible player. - Infinite uses, 1 night cooldown
Blood of Mithras (Night) - Kill a Cult player and a non-Cult player. The first use of this will not kill the cult player. - Infinite uses
Your objective is to defeat the Blue Dragon and any neutrals that seek to do you harm
The following logs were found
Frostwolf103 the pwetty pwncest
N1 - Flirting Kai_5 - K / O (confirmed not Asssassin)
N2 -Will-o-wisp Alice (unable to investigate the target)
N3 - Will-o-wisp JakethewolfieSince I am going to write this now I am outed, here is my note of mentions:
Day 5 Begins and will end in 72 hours at 2019-07-08T21:46:00Z or when Majority is hit. Twilight Phase will be extended so please no talking after hammer.
With 5 alive, Majority is 3.
Is there a new convert now or just the NK to worry about
what can i say except, your welcome
Who did you attack
went with frost as i didn’t have the souls to risk piercing night immunity
though I sense Gikkle did the same
or defended. Fun fact, if I was CSd last night I would have died so that was close