[FoL] FoL 22 - The Blue Dragon and Scorned Win!

MVP’s should be dictated by EotW, the best scum player


They have a tiebreaking doublevote. They have plenty of influence in the current system.

I feel this is the solution.

Are you sure? I like that players can choose it. Mods/Hosts can be biased, players aren’t

Players can most certainly be biased. If Mods have a general criteria they should follow to electing MVPs, it takes away the bias.

No offense to Gikkle AT ALL because mechanically he carried, but if you allow players to vote MVP you’ll get mechanical MVPs all day. Strong readers will never win, and they should…that takes more skill.

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Hosts actually have way less bias, because they see an overall picture instead of a small part in my opinion. That’s why their votes count more and break ties.

MVP Criteria In My Opinion:

  • Effectively Leads Town or steers town most correctly.
  • Uses class mechanics to most benefit of Town.
  • Makes the most accurate reads.
  • Displays the best use of game knowledge to give team advantage.

Give it a 5 point system for each criteria in each category. Most points gets MVP.

Players end up being more biased if I’m going to be honest

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That’s way too convoluted. If you want to determine your vote that way however, by all means.

Not everyone voted in this “simplistic” setup already.

I wouldn’t make that system for player votes. That’s only in the case of allowing only moderator votes. Gives you an added bonus of being Mod and its a fair way to judge an MVP due to the player base knowing what’s expected.

You aren’t a good town lead? Focus on correct reads.

Don’t make great reads? Focus on predicting the correct actions for your class.

If you have no criteria for MVP, it becomes ToL MVP voting.

You were Prince and lived until end but did nothing? MVP.

Knight who just followed outted scum and CSed them? MVP.

Strong players who will be targetted early because they are strong players get crapped on.

Hosts have their biases just as well. Making 1 or 2 people as opposed to 18 (in this game potentially) determine it isn’t better in my opinion.

This incentive isn’t for the hosts and knowing what’s expected doesn’t make it fair. If I solely would determine MVP’s for all games based on who I think is coolest wouldn’t be much of a fair system. :stuck_out_tongue:

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Why there is a MVP system at all tbh

You can’t compare a turbo MVP setup with one where players invest numerous hours into it. They will put more thought into it, because they are more invested.

Strong players already get targeted for being strong players. This system has nothing to do with that.

Well if you’re host youd know who deserves it or not and so would players. Bias’ would be called out just like corrupt judges in boxing. :upside_down_face:

I think mvp should be dictated by the host/mod of the game


If I’m a normal player id vote for friends anyway. I wasn’t bias with my votes, but the likelihood of players doing it is higher than hosts who have invested into the games progress.

So then a discussion would just happen, because you know there will always be at least one person that wouldn’t be satisfied.

Solution: Give everyone a voice in form of a vote, but give hosts more powerful vote, which is exactly this system.

Certain players invest just as much if not more into a game than a host.

All hosts on this site have personal connections, so why would it somehow remove their bias, but not for players?