[FoL] FoL 22 - The Blue Dragon and Scorned Win!

Hello Alchemist, I’m Htm

Rn with End flipping Assassin/MM I’m quite confident on the alignments of Launchpad, Possessed, BazingaBoy, and Atere.

HTM is King, so the remainder will probably be somewhere in the less active players.

Not liking Priestess over the policy lynch comment, though.

Alice is clearly unseen here dont listen to her

End is just a fool/unseen(more likely fool) that has given up and is distracting us from talking about important matters, please

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@Alice please answer why sid you take the joke seriously or do you really think I would say there is unseen only after my fiest game was cult I wanna hear this no eberyone wanna hear this

We have been talking about EotW for two hours straight

What ar eyou gonna discuss which questions are better to ask laughs d1 is no lynch so it is useless you cant really twll someones aligbment here

Let us start by going down the list

What do we think of Frost?


IDK, probably Town

How do you say town if you dont know explain me this scum

Yeah I just did a quick ISO and I’m feeling that too

Or BD more accurately

Priestess hasn’t said much so IDK

Ok I dont understand this htm you sais you would help me but prince is gonna kill me

Hey guys so I will sadly be absent most of D1 and probably the first 12 hours of d2. Family is currently preparing to move which causes a lot of stress for me personally. Plus my parent’s general attitude to me don’t really help with stress. I honestly just need to take a bit of time to myself. I swear once i’m back y’all will get me in full force.
Scouts honor ;p


Nothing I can do about Prince

Htm rhis thing will do bd no good you will say random person and other guy will tell you random read based on gut which means not accurate

Could you stop discouraging discussion pls, thx.