[FoL] FoL 22 - The Blue Dragon and Scorned Win!

What are you asking me?

You said Andrej is k/o?

I read that as a reaction test, personally.

It was a reaction test.

Hmph I see.

Just asking.

We got a bounty on them so might as well try and make them slip.

Not HTM, kings are a fool errand to read. Better for lategame or praying for butler to exist
Not frostwolf, they’re basically confirmed princess but could be converted I suppose (should focus on non converts)
Not wazza, wazza wouldnt try to push a neutral while claiming a 3rd of a scummy class if he was scum
Not EOTW. Pretty much guaranteed to be fool

Which leaves

I’d add kape too but they have been tentatively invited to my town circle along with Arete for now

So yeah first thing first is that jake should claim since he shouldve already claimed to prince

Yeah I remember.

I just don’t understand the bounty on EoTW.

@JakeTheWolfie clam or die

Jake claimed Maid yesterday.

He already hard claimed Maid yesterday.


Then why the fuck did we jail him and not make him out results Im so mad

He can change sheet for start.


I Iso’d her again and she seemed suspicious as you and Jake as a potential scumteam, which points to either killing her to stop her from pushing you or killing her to frame you and Jake. You specifically asked the question of why she was killed, but presumably you knew that anyone else who Iso’d her would notice that; you didn’t acknowledge it as a possibility in your question, so that in turn raises the question of whether you as evil would draw attention to the fact that the person pushing you died, which turns into a Wifom question.

Because we though he was likely to be Mastermind and we wanted to block a potential conversion.

just got bled

So what’s the next part of our master plan now that prince is dead and we cant jail him any more lol

You lying right