[FoL] FoL 22 - The Blue Dragon and Scorned Win!

Nah you can only be MM and that wouldn’t be a really helpful lynch rn

So you’re accusing me of framing Alice?

Why is that more likely to you than me being genuinely suspicious of someone dying right after accusing Jake and Alice of being scum, and them bringing up the priestess kill for some reason? Along with the fact I just don’t like their attitude this game?

Actually it would be extrordinarily helpful

A new MM would come in tho

Am I misreading something, or is Jake openwolfing?

I’m Openwolfing because I am apparently confirmed MM. Might nas well contrbute nothing since nothing I say will affect my fate. Doot Doot.

The way he’s playing I’d have read him as a Fool hadn’t the wincon been changed.

It isn’t but I feel like the vibes of your posts are assassinish.

Pretty much everyone in this thread thinks I’m MM. No reason not to just Not contribute.

What do you mean by that? What “Vibes”?

If you’re BD, then this is pretty much gamethrowing.

Vibes = gut-feelings

I don’t consider gut reads real reads.

Have you read any other FoL posts? It’s not uncommon for people to switch their reads around based on someone’s behavior in thread, and sometimes someone will get to like 6/8 votes before a counterwagon forms and the person on the other wagon ends up exe’d, and the first person gets left alone.

Can someone explain the case against Jake for me? I’m caught up with the thread but I’m having a hard time understanding how you came to the conclusion he’s MM.

Plus, even if you do end up getting executed, anything you contribute before you die could potentially help out BD after your dead.

What the fuck else am I supposed to do? Literally no one believes that I’m a maid. I’m Pretty sure you yourself said that there was nothing I could do to confirm myself despite me trying to. I literally have nothing else to do but wait until I die and in the meantime I’m just a waste of space.

Alice do you rhink i should bote jake

Trying to close off contributions and other things .

This does not help me understand how you came to the conclusion he’s MM.