[FoL] FoL 22 - The Blue Dragon and Scorned Win!

Vibes = gut-feelings

I don’t consider gut reads real reads.

Have you read any other FoL posts? It’s not uncommon for people to switch their reads around based on someone’s behavior in thread, and sometimes someone will get to like 6/8 votes before a counterwagon forms and the person on the other wagon ends up exe’d, and the first person gets left alone.

Can someone explain the case against Jake for me? I’m caught up with the thread but I’m having a hard time understanding how you came to the conclusion he’s MM.

Plus, even if you do end up getting executed, anything you contribute before you die could potentially help out BD after your dead.

What the fuck else am I supposed to do? Literally no one believes that I’m a maid. I’m Pretty sure you yourself said that there was nothing I could do to confirm myself despite me trying to. I literally have nothing else to do but wait until I die and in the meantime I’m just a waste of space.

Alice do you rhink i should bote jake

Trying to close off contributions and other things .

This does not help me understand how you came to the conclusion he’s MM.

Try to convince people you are maid

Do something and perhaps our reads will change.

Point is, he kept claiming that d1 reads are bad and he put himself into the spotlight.

A lot of people like Poss, Arete, and Priestess immediately jumped into him and started acccusing him for this.

I’m strongly reading him as BD for this as his blatant disregard for his imagine d1 almost never comes from scum.

You know, I would contribute if people would listen to me. But Since that is literally impossible, I’m just wasting time here.

Get in a maid costume and I’ll believe you.

We will listen

Right everyone?

Okay can I get this from someone who thinks he’s MM

I wanna know how someone not liking D1 reads makes them mastermind. What you said just reminds me of people being silly like wanting to no lynch d1 in normal forum mafia.

You will listen, and then immediately look into every reason why I’m scum.

And even if we won’t listen, your reads are still valuable for later in the game so that we can use them

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@Htm Yes, because I am known in the 1 day I’ve been here to be an exellent scumreader.

Just list it, what if you turn out to be the best scum-reader after all?

Yo seriously anyone pushing that is just wrong

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