[FoL] FoL 22 - The Blue Dragon and Scorned Win!

Is this true??

Then if this is a cult game, how were there 2 deaths n1?

It’s still what I’m trying to figure out.

Double killing NK or scum thought they had Prince locked down

More legitimate question:
What’s up with the two N1 deaths? I know in ToL the meta is for cult to convert N1 and wait until N2 to erad, is that not true here? Or do we think one of those was from someone who was neither cult nor the NK?

Well I see new possibilities:

A) Cult Eradicated N1, and the NK attacked one of them (Highly unlikely)
2) Mincinmind’s flip was tailored, and the 2 kills were assassin and NK (Likely)
#) Cult Eradicated N1, and NK is reaper who reaped Mincinmind (Highly unlikely)

Look for a NK that can multikill n1.

posts question
looks at thread
sees that like three other people asked the same question

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this truly is a me_irl

Reaper works differently here.

Here’s the problem. None of them can in this case as the Prince doesn’t visit so it couldn’t have been the Demon, the Lich, the Possessor, the Reaper, nor the Sorcerer.

If this is really a Cult game, then there’s really no explanation for the second kill.

Archer shot?

I’d be surprised if a BD archer held onto that information until now.

Scum started with Acolyte and Knight alt

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So could BOTH kills be tailored and it actually is unseen?

Launch: If you want a loyalty frame, answer this. Was Andrej framed or disguised?


He solved it: Acolyte with Knight alt. Well played.

Who is marked right now, Mincin?

I disguised Mincin as Priest for memes last night and you all saw that happen

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What does that mean?