[FoL] FoL23 - Day 4 - The Unseen and the Fool win!

Ok, so L -1.

Arete, wield the :hammer:

It would be a really bad anti-meta, since it would make two people less suspicious of me and the other thirteen more.

Also Lymph voted herself. That obviously doesn’t count.

Votes against yourself don’t count in this game?
They have in basically all past forum mafia games I’ve played in.

I’m not hammering, we still need the if-Lymphoma-is-BD plan and Eevee needs to show up and tell us if they’re the Prince.


Ah, then still L -2. Thanks.

It’s currently 3:10 A.M. in Warsaw. Eevee is likely asleep.

Can confirm.

No idea where Lymph is. It’s past 9 A.M. in Singapore.

Then again it might not be Singapore.
Lymph’s flag is like Singapore’s, but it only has one star instead of five. I cannot find that exact version.

Isn’t it the flag of Turkey?

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yes, ignore me

had to search the image

lymph also should be asleep.
It’s 4:26 A.M. in Ankara.

I’m fine waiting before hammering. the day can last up to a little less than two more days.

Some of the people on the current wagon should probably unvote so we don’t risk a quickhammer.

Good idea.
Now, we’re only at L -3.

/vote @Lymphoma