[FoL] FoL23 - Day 4 - The Unseen and the Fool win!

Why is it bad especially with CW or Knight claims in game? And TBH, if you hadn’t claimed, you would’ve been dead for sure.

Enforcer/Sage can strongman a kill pretty much.

Oh, well the Assassin should be under lock down anyway. And I can confirm I’m not converted, I don’t think Unseen would want to convert a noob like me

They may have attacked sog, so who knows what sort of galaxy brain ideas they might have.

Lol. I was actually very afraid of being converted into the loss yesterday. I was thinking “I can protect others from conversion, but how can I protect myself?” and I can’t, but asking Kape for a SF might’ve helped? Even though he outright said that he was gonna SF someone else…

What are you talking about? You would be converted into a win
Also you asked why would they convert you today but seems like yourself also thought you would be converted, why is that?

Because I was thinking irrationally from an emotional point of view. Logically speaking, I wouldn’t be a good convert. Emotionally speaking, however, I feel that I’m just naturally unlucky and that whenever bad things can happen to me… they will.

If you really are bd, why do you care so little about defending yourself?

It’s a bit absurd if you’re town, honestly.

How can you know at this point that unseen will win the game?

You haven’t defended yourself. Instead, you’ve acted scummier and scummier, for god knows why if you’re actually BD.

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If you’re BD, then act like it, instead of surrendering your life for no reason!

Believe me, I would vote the shit out of you right now if my vote couldn’t bring a quickhammer into play.

…are those posts responses @Maxwell? They look like responses to deleted posts.

They are responses

Did @Lymphoma delete his posts? I don’t think that’s legal

Mainly to this


And especially, this

You are right that is illegal; I was not responding to deleted posts.

The last sequence had you posting 4 times and they looked like responses.

Lymph: Please don’t delete posts if you did. Slip or not, it ruins game integrity.

Deleted posts do not disappear for 24 hours