[FoL] FoL23 - Day 4 - The Unseen and the Fool win!

I thought that he may have not looked at his class card so I was making sure, just in case.

Just feel like max getting pissed off over fluff posts this early, wouldn’t be surpised if they are trying to seem like “bd” that’s generally what scum will do is over analyse someone to fit nicely in the bd.

Of course max could generally have a perspective that is from BD Just something I like to note for now.

If this is an indicator, his wincon is inconsequential. Definitely not NK, but regular neut is a real possibility.

Scum want to seem helpful and valuable and state the obvious.

He hasn’t checked neutral class cards as said here, but is able to label a vital part of the wincon despite that not being brought up at any point in the thread so far.
@Soulshade55r be honest.
How did you know that fool’s wincon interacts with 2 non-BD?


Perhaps a scum neut distracting us?

I don’t want to get into meta gaming outside of here. Don’t think that’s allowed.

Idk why he would at this point but it is a possibility

Hello who’s the lynch

Level 3.
I’m not stretching in saying that.


Look, I don’t remember playing with you before (if so, it’s been a while), so I didn’t know to expect you would prefer mass fluff. Usually when I haven’t played with someone before, I expect the opposite.
Obviously, now I know to bunch you in as similar to Magnus and Isaac going forward.

Fits a new Fool M.O.; yeah he doesn’t want to be hung, but he also doesn’t care if he happens to get hung.

So I can’t really metion why I know something to do with fools goal but I did skimm read a lot of the neutrals before signing up.

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Guess thats meta gaming idk.

It’s not.

Was it my Sellsword rework? I bet it was.

Just a thing that hit me about 3 seconds ago.
How the fuck did we derail onto this so hard?

Me. I attacked him.

Max if fine they just fell for the bait
