[FoL] FoL23 - Day 4 - The Unseen and the Fool win!

Thanks for taking their words out of context @Possessed

Its literally the same thing.

Exactly… meaning… Sage cannot WoF or Prevent attacks from their own Assassin. Explain to me how Htm’s attack didn’t go through then.

Also, if I was Sage, you’d be pretty silly to vote me out during the day. Voting out a theoretical Sage over a MM or Assassin doesn’t really seem like the most BD thing to do now is it?

That’s not how the ability works. It stops all abilities except for assassin on your target.

Meaning: If you throw it on a Prince, all heals will fail but assassin will still get through. In this case, you threw it on assassin and both my HH and HTMs arrow were prevented from getting through.

You can throw it on teammates to basically shield them from town abilities.

HH as in Drunk’s HH, or what other HH is there?

As in Drunk HH, yes. It occupies target and removes all immunities; it can be prevented, however.


You werent jailed, right? Who did you time warp?

I know how it works. If you’re so inclined to insult my intelligence then how do you figure I would be able to have this MegaMind play where I am Sage and WoF my own Assassin? I didn’t, and still am unsure if you can even do that mechanically. I didn’t think you could in ToL, but I might’ve been mistaken idk

How can it be prevented? The only way is if they were occupied or occ+redirect immune

Read up Jake.

Tele cannot be Sage.

Doesn’t take much to figure out that I was going to HH Dat and HTM was gonna Vig them. You knew all this from the nightplan. Don’t act stupid, c’mon.

No I mean, I didn’t know that you could target your Assassin as Sage with that ability. I know how the ability itself works.

@JakeTheWolfie what did you do last night?

And of course I knew about it. Everyone did… All the evils did. You can thank Alice for that

I spoke to the dead. They didn’t do more than say to look for their logs to get their last night actions and results, because ofc I can know what a drunk without logs did.

Lol no.
/vote Jake @anon97870008 @Wazza

Are you implying Alice is MM? Well at least that means she’s townfirmed.

Of course you wouldn’t entertain the possibility that she’s MM. You’re the Warlock, you don’t want town to win. There’s a reason why you refuse to consider it.