[FoL] FoL23 - Day 4 - The Unseen and the Fool win!

Who knows. Would make sense since there is one Neutral guaranteed and no neutral has come forward.


Oh shit :eyes:

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here it comes

Apologies for this, but it’s destiny.


@anon97870008 @Wazza


It’s hammer. Please don’t speak.


I’m sorry, I have to speak. Majority is NOT exactly half; it’s more than half. Where in the class card does it say you just need half in order to exe on grand trial?

Grand Trial (Day) - Instantly put a player on trial for treason. They may provide a defense, and then the players alive may either vote to execute or pardon. If a majority of players vote to execute, the day will end and the player on trial will be lynched. Otherwise, the day will continue as normal. - 1 use

Since Alice cannot vote herself, it were only 9 players who could vote. So majority is 5.


Wazza was watching the game intensely, but so was Priestess who seemed to be enjoying every last bit of it. That was until Alice was lynched and Wazza let out another sigh.

"There she goes. Damn, you win."
Wazza said, sighing and passing Priestess something.
Alice muttered and Wazza spoke up.
"Unfortunately, I must now execute you. Farewell… old friend."
Wazza then hit the button, but before she could be dragged away, Alice dropped something that floated to the ground.

Alice in the Wonderland - Execution of Alice

Alice looks around her, glaring at the people who voted her in anger. This wasn’t what she wanted! No! She refused to die! She instantly turned around, saying no words to her father who forced this death upon her. She ran and ran until she fell into one of the King’s traps, she fell into a steep hole that lead straight on down.

Alice covered her mouth as she was falling down as to not allow any dirt to get into it, she slid down and hit many rocks and other vicious items like dead dinosaur fossils that ripped into her back or even sometimes undetonated bombs. Why these were down here was unknown but one of them ended up exploding her feet off, which was cool. The rest of them below her then exploded causing a massive ravine to form.

Alice looked at the water below her as she was falling down, if she could land in it, she would survive. Her eyes gleaming with hope as she maneuvered her way to be above the water, when she was close up to it. She saw it wasn’t water, but instead a paint on the floor that looked like water. She fell down and her head crushed itself into the rock hard floor. Alice, was dead.

Alice has been executed! They were:

The Prince :crossed_swords: :shield: :fire:

Blue Dragon Killer
Unstoppable (Passive) - You cannot be occupied at night, even by means that bypass occupy immunity. You are also immune to target changing.
Royal Blood (Passive) - Votes to become king count as two for you.
Imprison (Day) - Choose a player to jail at night occupying the target (Bypasses occupy immunity) and preventing visits to them. You both will be able to send each other a single 1000 character message through the host. - Infinite uses
Execute (Night) - Kill the player you have jailed (Bypasses night immunity). If the executed is a member of the Blue Dragon, you will not be able to execute for the rest of the game. - 3 uses, available starting Night 2
Mercy (Night) - Heal the player you have jailed. If you have executed a member of Blue Dragon, this ability is disabled. - 2 uses
Your objective is to defeat the Unseen or Cult, and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

The Following Note on the Floor was Found:

So I’m the Prince. Yes, I was fakeclaiming Princess in order to keep night kills off me. That’s how I knew that Hjasik was jailed. So no, this flip was not altered if you’re reading this.

N1 I jailed Hjasik who claimed Hunter and isn’t really giving me any reads. I think this is a good candidate for either the NK or Assassin/CL, really. If we get 2 kills for the d2 without Derp being one of them, then this should clear Hja of being a Killer.

N2 Addendum - Actually, we had two kills and Hjasik did manage to bleed a player after Poss was bled. This pretty much means that since he could not be converted, is not the Assassin nor NK, so Hja always is a Hunter in this situation.

N2 I jailed Eevee. Since we have the Assassin on lockdown if we see any other kills barring HTM on Dat then Eevee is cleared of being the NK. If I die, then Arete is likely the NK due to them claiming Knight and not protecting me despite me asking outright for protection. Eevee claimed Alchemist, so this would be a safe execution on my part. As I said below, the PoE is extremey tight now that we have 6 clears, so the fastest option would be just to quickly burn through it.

Lock BD

  • H_Hja - See above. He can’t be a convert, the NK, and if he’s the MM then this would need to be a Hja/Poss/Dat scumteam for Poss to be a fake bleeding. Since this isn’t as in the case Hja!MM he wouldn’t be able to convert because of my jail.

  • Geyde - Case in point, I don’t think I’ve ever seen Geyde try to townbloc as group scum. I’d still keep him in the PoE as Geyde isn’t a player to underestimate. Additionally, claiming Priest d2 is suicide if he’s the NK or MM. Can still be a convert, but so far I doubt it.

  • Ozzkozz - Yeah, yeah. Pure tone and that fancy bullshit. As I posted in the thread he was in a terrible position to bus and it’d have been better for Dat to bus him instead were they both Unseen. He can’t be the NK for obvious reasons.

  • Possessed - I checked his wolf game in SFoL48 and FoL21 and I agree with Geyde that his tone is way too awkward when he’s wolfing. I don’t see his tone issues here so far. Plus being bled indicates that he’s not Unseen. May be NK but with him wanting to mechanically lock DatBird himself points to this being very unlikely NK.

Likely BD

  • Teleology - Reads very pure and their reads are surprisingly in-detail for a newbie, where I’d expect players at his level to have difficulty faking reads. Plus the fact that they asked how the scumteam would know their buddies make it extremely unlikely that they are Unseen or Cult, so he’s derp-cleared, in a way.

  • Maxwell - Way too many indicators point to this being BD, though. I’ll volume clear him, the thread flow doesn’t indicate that he’s a wolf, his progression is natural regarding Soulshade, and his frustration regarding Soul being useless seems legit towny emotion.


  • HTM - As I said in the thread, his wolf play is sharper and more sudden with him intentionally jumping to conclusions and then backing up his justification. Here he’s doing the opposite, so I’d shelf this as town for now. If Dat dies tonight then he’s lock not Unseen, yet depending on kill amounts then this could be the NK.

  • AreteSlashStars - Frankly I think townreading Arete for making a readlist is dumb and that I’d say they are at least a player at a low level 2, so I’ll see how the further develop as the game goes on. Overall gut says that they’re fine, however I can’t really get over them being so fine with my nightplan despite scumreading me. I’ll check later to see if this is a villager afraid of a potential powerwolf or a wolf trying not to get into hot water with a town leader. If I die n2 then Arete is very likely not BD as I asked them to protect me being a Knight claim.

  • Eevee - Jailed n2. I don’t think this is the convert. If there were kills n2 then Eevee should be cleared. If not, then odds are that they are the NK.

  • SirDerpsAlot - Like, I can’t really shake off this dumb feeling that they may be town here, but at the same time has way too many red flags to ignore. Selectively scumhunting the NK, his reads being extremely wishy-washy, and so on. I wouldn’t put him out of the PoE, but because of how he’s been asking a shit-ton of Chronomancer mechanical questions in thread then


  • Kape :crown: - Yeah, y’know the drill.

Night Kill Analysis for N2.
Dat most likely dies. He’s very likely the Assassin in this case for aforementioned reasons. If this happens then depending on how the kills go then we can clear HTM or Eevee from being the NK.

Dat dying by itself would mean HTM is not Unseen. However if the case that Dat is the only death in this case then it would mean that HTM could still be the NK who used his KP to confirm himself or the likely case that Eevee is the NK who could not kill this night. If both Dat and another player dies, then this lock-clears Eevee and HTM of both being the NK.

So removing Ozz/Geyde/Hja/Me/Poss/HTM/Kape, then the remaining MM and convert should be in Eevee/Derp/Maxwell/Arete/Tele. Would remove Tele tbh since they slipped earlier on. I don’t think Arete would claim to be a able to kill Dat without being able to kill them for real, so that removes them as well. Leaving Derp/Maxwell/Eevee as the final suspects. For Derp, see my posts on Derp/Dat interactions. This means that Maxwell/Eevee are the most likely MM FMPoV. Maxwell’s posts have been pretty good except for his interaction with Dat by immediately believing Ozz. So eh…

If we have a kill outside of Dat then Ozz/Geyde/Hja/Poss/HTM/Kape/Eevee are cleared from being the NK and the suspects are Derp/Maxwell/Arete/Tele.

Frankly, PoE-wise I think Derp/Maxwell/Arete/Tele/Eevee are the last ones that are still sketchy and that we have the MM+NK+1~2 Neutrals here. Ideally we can just start burning through it ASAP. Eevee makes most sense for MM. Are is possibly the most likely candidate for NK as well.

I think with Lymp being an idiot BD then the game may be as simple as an Unseen team of Eevee/DatBird/???+Arete as the NK. The convert may as well not exist as Eevee only lasted for like… I don’t know, a night? If we have a convert then it’s likely Maxwell for the reason I outlined above. If not, then well~

Kape’s an oddball. Haven’t bothered to read them so far, though I’ll probably re-read them once we chunk down evils more.

I’m 9 out of 10 cases killing Eevee tonight, and they’re more likely flipping MM than NK FMPoV, so if I die then Arete needs to die as I told them specifically to protect me and they have very strong NK equity by themselves.

Here’s then how the game should progress if I die. Arete needs to be the D3 execution, Ozz puts his scout on Maxwell, and Maxwell, and only Maxwell needs to be tasked for healing Poss. If Poss lives, then Maxwell is perfectly cleared. If not, he needs to be lynched D4. Jake needs to use his revive ability to confirm that he is not the convert, and Ozz should check one of the players outside this group. To see if they are the convert. Like, by then we should easily find the lone Assassin via Poss’ debaucheries and Ozz’s checks, so yeah.

Night 3 has began and will end in 24 hours at: 2019-07-24T22:20:00Z


Btw if everyone has submitted their actions, the night will end earlier.


Wazza was eating his breakfast while Priestess woke everyone up. But a certain someone didn’t awake. They were stuck in sleep… forever…

"Oh… another casualty."
Priestess said.
"Well, I’ll get an autopsy on them, but if they are Blue Dragon, the Traitors will win… And great. NG Code: Fail To Re-Delay Your Death has been activated."

Wazza looked at the body, then looked around the place.

"The Blue Dragon are unable to gain numbers over the Unseen. Thus, the Unseen are victorious…"
Wazza said, disappointed.
"If you are Blue Dragon, get out of here, you also owe me money, Wazza."

SirDerpsAlot has died! They were:

The Chronomancer

Blue Dragon Support
Pocket Dimension (Day) - If you die tonight, delay it for 2 nights. This will delay bleeding in addition to attacks. Deaths delayed this way cannot be redirected with Distort Reality. - 2 uses
Time Warp (Night) - Delays a player’s death for 2 days. This will delay ongoing bleeding in addition to attacks. You can prevent a death multiple times. Cannot delay unhealable attacks or suicide. - Infinite uses
Distort Reality (Night) - Redirect all deaths that you have delayed with Time Warp to the target player. Can be healed and does not bypass death immunity. - Infinite uses
Defeat the Unseen or Cult and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

The Following Note was found on their body:

N1 - Time warp Kape

The Blue Dragon are unable to get numbers over the Unseen. Thus, the Unseen and the Fool are victorious! Well done:



WHAT? No Warlock?

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Poss was fool

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oh wait, im an idiot