[FoL] FoL23 - Day 4 - The Unseen and the Fool win!

Rather just have Gladiate.


majority is hilarious
it could have been 5v5 without getting cut off

You do realize, that gladiate would have lead to the same outcome here.

This game was hilarious in general, although there were no obvious awful plays.

King gladiator prob would be great that way if it was to early u get rid of EK

Also, grats to Bird and Maxwell for playing scum well.

Maxwell was imitating his town game to a T, except when he immediately believed Ozz’s check and that’s the only part when I got suspicious of him.


Well, me pushing for Alice could be considered awful… but it worked out :smiley:

Alice oz check was pure as heck I don’t know why you got suspicious of it

By that point you were too late. And yes, I was.

My day 1 was meh should have been more active, but after Day 2 I just went into Lolbearing.

I decided to try this game, and hard.
Apparently, I am fully capable of bulldozing my way to high on the towncore, as scum.

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If Lymph was the Fool, if Jake didn’t replace a more active player, or if we had a non-Fool/SS/WL neut rolling then this would basically mean the Unseen auto-lose.

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All the stars aligned against you, I will admit.


See guys it’s not hard to try as scum. Maxwell proved it here


i’ve never had a good game as scum before. Ever.
I just tried this game and it worked wonders. Lmao.

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But heck, why did BD

  1. massclaim d2 already
  2. Alice claiming occupied
  3. Not getting rid of Datbird



Also, we need to step relying on mechanics so much, tbh.

D2 was going fine with me taking the lynch away from Derp and started going on-track with my read on Maxwell and Eevee. Afterwards… yeah, everyone stopped talking about reads and then we kind of got screwed over.

Believe it or not, both sides did make mistakes…town just made bigger ones.

What should I improve on when playing BD/town next time?

Alice claiming occupied there wasn’t the best idea. It made it appear they had TMI that they were occupied specifically and gave people wrong impressions on the type of neutrals in the game. Claiming Prevented would have been way better.