[FoL] FoL23 - Day 4 - The Unseen and the Fool win!

Host secrets :stuck_out_tongue:

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Keeping a convert preventer as BD? Seems value enough for me.

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That’s why I asked for the SF D1. I also didn’t want to be converted

They were the next convert in the priority after Hja



TBH I expected H_Hja to bear N3

I expected that we could win still, but there would have to be no deaths at night and we’d have to vote up Kape super fast and get a GK

if he had i would have gotten a random pity convert and won the game instantly anyway.
He just saved himself the game by not bearing.

Excellent Strategy, Tactical Cactus.

Yeah makes sense. At the point I thought you Dat and Poss were all Unseen though. I originally read Poss as NE and then I changed it because I didn’t expect you to have failed 2 converts

Which is why I did my play :smiley:


I tried warning ya

Worked out. Good play on your part

I was starting to get upped so my hand got forced.
I imagined it like this:
If we somehow exe our MM and you get jail exed, its over for us.
If we mislynch its gonna be difficult, but probably.
If we lynch Prince, we won.

I assumed Poss is either late convert or NE due to the bleed and I was scumreading him.

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He played NE very well, though.

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best i’ve ever seen. It was basically flawless.

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Otwn deserved this lose.

You know why I faked MM right?

I was still bleeding. Derp could have transferred that to Dat. I had to fake MM to get that idea that I was NE gone.

No. Both sides played well.

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don’t say that.
you had hours to provide any defense at all and did nothing
u were one of their biggest problems.