[FoL] FoL23 - Day 4 - The Unseen and the Fool win!

The difference is he’s giving is opinion without explaining.

Not saying that you can’t ask for reads it’s just scummy to force someone for them.

If your giving reads without explanation then that’s not a read that’s just assuming.

I’m trying to get people to make reads, because that as far as I can tell tends to be helpful as BD (we’ve already nearly-confirmed some people that way, and we have leads on others who might be suspicious).

Lies and veterans are a thing. I without a doubt would not be able to make any guessing before N1.

nothing anyones said hasnt made you a little sus of anyone? Your gut hasnt reacted to anything?

The reason I think Soul is scum is he hasnt really done anything. His first posts didnt add anything and today he spent a bunch of time complaining about reads, maybe because he is evil and dosent wanna have to make reads

Complaining about reads? I was more defending sog then complaining about reads?

Also, can someone briefly explain “reads”? I assumed this game would be terminology from ToL.

You understand my first posts where bait posts getting reactions right?

from what I saw you were complaigning about people trying to force reads

I was defending sog complaining that you shouldn’t force reads from him.

reads are what people think of other players and if they would put them in town or scum and the reasons they would beleive they are that faction. Usually further enhanced by examples or quoting someone

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Thanks, DatBird.

Town = BD
Scum = Cult/Unseen/NK/sometimes Neutrals

Don’t think anything you said really holds value or a strong stance/Argument. and your trying to read me for the sake of reading me. (Which was the main thing I was complaining about).
But I guess I can look into your posts right now.

Im new so my reads probably wont be great or correct

and theres no problem with that, people learn to make better and better reads as they go

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Well I disagree with lynching you day 1, your reads aren’t incorrect it’s a subjective thing.

I just think your argument behind the read isn’t that solid and doesn’t hold much weight.

It’s hard to tell your motivation behind them though.

You’d rather people give opinions with no explanations?