Whoever is the Prince should not jail Derp as otherwise the Bounty won’t take effect.
If this is a Cult game and there’s a starting Rit, getting an Obs + Invest combo on him could catch two birds with one stone.
FMPoV he’s pretty much rand, though.
I saw some towny things from him, but the sheer amount of red flags in his ISO makes his slot need to be solved ASAP.
The tailoring is a day ability.
Which is why the only players on Derp should be a Noble and Butler/Drunk.
Well guess I need to read up on Cult abilities… again…
Yep, change of plans then.
I actually want them to claim today if provable
I’m against claim early, but considering the situation? Yeah.
No claiming
Since noble is diff it would be hard to prove but I can claim if a majority of people really want me too
Their claim actively helps us out plus they can’t be Prince due to the Noble comment.
Given that I’m scumreading Alice, this quote from FoL 22 seems pertinent:
Basically, if Derp flips Cult, that doesn’t necessarily clear Alice.
I am a Chrono
Where in this game has anyone even confirmed noble? There might not be a noble this game and were relying in a mechanic that isn’t there.
They were successfully Investigated.
They were successfully Occupied.
Their target was successfully swapped.
Noble wouldnt even help in this situation
Noble wouldnt help, I said that at first because I forgot about changes
Can I get a Princess flirt on that?
Only person who can confirm a Chrono is a Princess.