[FoL] FoL23 - Day 4 - The Unseen and the Fool win!

Is mad17 dead now

guess i have to learn whatever the 13 is

pls ping me on mu if and when this happens, thanks




hey, 1st time here. bear with me :smiley:




Hey, I’m an FoL newbie too, and there’s a good number of them in this match :slight_smile:

Good luck and read the class card thread. There’s A LOT of changes compared to ToL.

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Anyway, ech hem

Me and My Priestess will begin rolling soon.

And yes that line is a reference to a previous game on the forums, one of which I was revived in.

Oh we’re already at 16/16? That went fast.

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Everyone whose first match it is should definitely read the New Player Guide, posted at the start of the thread.

Yeah no kidding; saw this posted up for an hour at 13 people and was like YOINK

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i knew this game would fill fast
Lotsa new interest in the forum recently which is great

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y’all don’t forget you’ve got a flavor bot as a host.

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dang it

/backup ig

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As the sun rises upon the horizon, the silent, empty and deadfilled court. Everyone in the court was already dead, and Priestess, looked upon in shame.

"You know, perhaps we should give them a second chance? It’s not their fault the Imperium invaded."
Priestess said to Wazza, who was just playing on his phone looking bored as ever, that was until she said this.
"Giving them a second chance? Seriously, they lost fair and square, just like we did, we only got lucky they spared our lives. Besides, they have a whole bunch of traitors in between them, it’s best if we just leave them dead."
Wazza said, in full honesty, he was clearly annoyed by this proposal of Priestess.
"Well I make the decisions around here so I choose to give them all a second chance at life. Will they commit treason, that’s up to them."
Wazza rolls his eyes at Priestess’ comment.

Priestess shined her shining light, reviving all 16 participants inside of the court. But the court smelt of Traitor’s, liars and deceit. As Wazza and Priestess welcomed them. The King showed themself, they had also just been revived.

They were Kape, the King of the Court.

Day 1 has began and will end in 24 hours at 2019-07-18T22:00:00Z! All Hail King Kape!


Hello everyone. Nice story, Waz.

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