[FoL] FoL23 - Day 4 - The Unseen and the Fool win!

Night is 24 hours yeah?


Incidentally, since we have a few newbies: Gossip meta is 0 percent a thing in FoL, partly because gossip works differently and partly because preventing kills in FoL is generally more important than mechanically confirming someone.

That’s why Protectives go on WIFOM duty. Basically heal who you think might be attacked.

And WiFoM duty here means ‘wine in front of me’ duty – basically, people who are acting townier (and/or are known to be strong players) are more likely to be attacked (/converted), so it’s good to protect them, but that means evils will sometimes be less likely to attack the towniest people, since they think they’ll be protected, meaning you might want to protect the second towniest people, except that if evils anticipate that you’ll do that, then they’ll go for the most townie people.


It’s an infinite loop if you think about it.

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After Alice’s comment I feel like I’m outside the town walls, banging on the gate screaming to let me in while the townies sip wine and snicker among themselves.

Who is your top townread/scumread btw?

Also same

This was directed to @Ozzkozz ^^^^

@Htm, I’m still trying to figure out how all the mechanics and this particular social circle seems to work together. I’m not going to name names, but given the community and complexity of this game I feel like the players that have given the most information are th emost suspect. I hope I’m wrong, but that’s how I feel.

If you want to help town then you should give the names of those people tbh

Also one last thing is this feeling coming from a reason or your gut?

the night comes and im still confused :smiley:

@Htm experience playing ToL and other werewolf/mafia games.

Alice sticks out to me like a sore thumb.

So I’m off to bed rn. Here’s effectively what the night plan is. I’ll re-read the thread overnight and put my more in-depth reads in my logs for tomorrow.

To use your night ability, send it to the host in your class card, or in your thread if you’re Unseen or Cult. So, for instance, if you’re a Princess, and you want to flirt Frostwolf, you would say
/Flirt Frostwolf
Then leave a set of logs. These should include both the standard ToL information, and also your “readlist” (basically, who you think is good/evil/unsure), as well as any other information you’d like BD to have if you die.
Alice’s “nightplan” is pretty decent, in my opinion, although the fact that it comes from someone I was scumreading is kind of concerning. I should probably Iso her again.

What posts make you feel that way?

Also, if I die N1 and there isn’t a full readlist in my logs, someone altered my flip.

Making a town plan. I feel putting all of your cards win one basket with experienced players is where this can become very one sided. I know I’m new, but I feel like N1 random chaos is where we find out the most. We’ll see.

Last 4 minutes of the day if I got it right.

Per Kings decree, I would like a protective on me n1 so I can SF safely. Otherwise WIFOM away!

Ill delay you