[FoL] FoL23 - Day 4 - The Unseen and the Fool win!


I think this is an FoL meta/ToL meta thing. In ToL meta all protectives are “supposed” to go on the King N1, for confirmation by Gossip. Obviously it’s different here, but not everyone knows it.

(I still think SirDerps is scum, but that read seems NAI except in as much as it might suggest that Alice and SirDerps aren’t a scumteam, unless Alice was feeding SirDerps instructions.)

My other guess for scum would be Lymph but thats more of a gut thing, and I prefer not to act on just gut feelings. And town I think Max, Geyde, Tele

if you think im scum feel free to kill me if youre killer

I think we just hit 24 hours.

Remember the nightplan; someone please occ/deb Sir Derp.
@anon97870008 @Wazza

I don’t think killers should kill you just yet.

Im chrono so I wont die, would help clear me


(Is it night or…?)

It is past 1 AM for me

Can you guys not Twilight Post?

If you’re innocent, you should not want killers to target you. A knight who targets you will die if you’re BD, and an archer would lose their shots.

Arete, you are intentionally twilight posting.

(Is it night? Can I post?)

You have 6 more minutes.

Just noticed.

We put the wrong time for EoD yesterday! My apologies. Day has only lasted 23 hours and 25 minutes.

Day start mentions XX:00.


It would delay so it should be fine should it not