[FoL] FoL23 - Day 4 - The Unseen and the Fool win!

Who realistically frames Dat this game? The only potential framer is the one who pushes it

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They were their target

Hitting a framed target n1 is extremely improbable
In both FoL and ToL
i lean towards this being legit
I have no idea why scum would fake being sheriff and out that fake this early in the game.

And even then he’s pure af about this


This really does seem like newb town tbh

But why’d you invest Dat and not Alice?

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Because Alice is GOAT

I’m still very skeptical of this.

I didn’t like Ozz’s post and for him to use his investigation on a player n1 and suddenly find the Assassin or the Warlock/SS? The probability here is very low.

Alice is nearly identical as town or scum, but i thus far find no differences between this game and the mad17 game on MU we shared as town, so my gut tells me she’s town.

What does scum gain by faking this now?

I’m not going to push this though. Isn’t it more helpful to just occupy/jail DatBird for a few nights until we find MM?

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Getting a good player out?

Dunno, going 1-for-1 with Dat? It’s why I’m not jumping to conclusions.

So if we think its an unseen game, and I belive most of you think im scum because of saying cult that helps clear me does it not?

It seemed pretty genuine to me, but nothing can be confirmed yet.

Nothing. Unless they’re scorned or perhaps trying to take away attention from Derps which would be dumb.

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It’s luck.
He’s undeniably not been hitting any pegs that I’d expect a fake check to ping.

It irks you because you misread Dat

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Lets let Dat explain himself. I want to see his defense.

Just jail the bird

Dat stated in HoB and black flag that he’s currently out in a D&D session.

he cannot defend himself now