[FoL] FoL23 - Day 4 - The Unseen and the Fool win!

Only Dat’s most recent posts have actually had helpful stuff.

The rest of the earlier posts were just fluff.

Not because I don’t think he’d do it as scum

But I don’t know why he, of all people, would be targeted for conversion night 1.

Note: he could do it as scum, but I still don’t think he would

Interesting interactions with Alice/Lymph/Derps that I would look at.

Maybe scum would target unexpected converts to trick us?

Perhaps. It is possible they killed sog
maybe they are pulling out all the galaxy brain stops
Regardless, I still highly doubt this.
I do find pushing a townie d2 as marshal to be highly inoptimal.

Thoughts on a potential Dat/Derp Unseen starting team?


The most likely targets for convert last night would have been in me/Arete due to Alice keeping the two of us a bit out of the towncore.
I’d dispel any n1 Ozz convert ideas, as scum did kill in the towncore which has significantly more inherent risk


Is it just me or am I alone in not liking Maxwell immediatelly believing Ozz’s check?

That shit is wack

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One kind of scum killed in the towncore.
The other pulled a curveball.

I don’t think it’s entirely unfounded, but seriously speaking Ozz was fucking obvious town

If I were scum I would have honestly converted Maxwell

He was fairly townie… but not too townie to be an obvious convert.

Eh, I’d check Maxwell n2, tbh.

Him immediately jumping to Dat being Assassin doesn’t sit well with me.

Even though your possessor theory has obvious merit, it is still also a serious possibility that unseen killed sog and nk killed soul.

my reasoning was simple. Faking this at the start of day 2 would be thricely hurtful for scum, asinine, and batshit.

Lowkey possibility unless you have an extremely convincing argument for how he softed Prince several times

Autocorrected to lowkey tf