[FoL] FoL23 - Day 4 - The Unseen and the Fool win!

How many times people thought I was MM: 2
How many times I didnt flip MM: 0 (counting this game)

You guys should review the way you read me

You haven’t even bother to play the game and the only thing you’ve done this match is OMGUS both Maxwell and I. If you flip BD here then you’re not even playing the game so how do you expect us to read you?

And if you’re not the MM, then who is?

Only if Lymph somehow flips Maid. Otherwise Dat would be occ-immune being the new MM.

So you flipped MM 2 times since you didn’t flip MM 0 times?

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Official Voting Counter

Accused Votes Count
SirDerpsAlot 1/8 H_Hja
Datbird 1/8 Maxwell
Alice 2/8 Lymphoma, Ozzkozz
Lymphoma 4/8 :crown: Kape, Possessed, SirDerpsAlot

Just FYI, Lymphoma, you cannot vote yourself in FoL.

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Tele and Kape are the only ones who’ve played enough ToL with me to remotely be able to verify this, but while I’m K/O (there, I saved you a check) I’m a class that I’d never fake as actual NK.

Inb4, this is a 9000iq claim to make me and Tele suspect you less.


:eyes: I mean, Arete could probably know my exact class if they picked up on all of my context clues. But now I know what Arete is.

I’m pretty sure I know both of your classes now.

Easy there, partner.

I know your class too EZ

You’re definitely one of three things, I’d have to Iso you again to figure out which.

I read you as BD so I’m not particularly bothered by you knowing my class.

Hmm, then if you’re a Knight/Archer/Hunter then kill Dat and save us a night?

He’s basically outed as he stopped playing right when we had a red check on him.

This would pretty much lock-clear you as not being the convert.

If Lymph flips MM, someone would need to happy hour them, but I think Possessed hardclaimed Drunk so that should be doable.
If Lymph doesn’t flip MM then obviously debbing them to Maxwell would still be a reasonable plan.

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I know everyone’s class except for Max/Htm/Eevee/Geyde now

Can other archers/knights/hunters do this as well :thinking:

(Also this is not a soft so don’t read that way.)

Either way if we do this then we at least have a confirmed non-convert.

But how will we know who did the kill?

The archer/hunter/knight should probably out right…?

Not right now in case of there being a WL or the convert being a third Drunk…