[FoL] FoL23 - Day 4 - The Unseen and the Fool win!

What should killer classes do btw? Just wondering.

Could work.


Target Arete tonight.




…Honestly, at this point the Prince should probably just out. It can only be like three people, and if they’re outed then protectives who don’t have other things to do can at least be on them.

4, if you add htm there.


I totally didn’t forget about Max…

Eh, if the Prince is in Geyde/Maxwell/Eevee then this can easily further chunk away an additional player from the PoE. I’m usually against mass-claiming, but right 10/14 of the players have been outed, so yeah.

Well I do technically know my class…

…And it should be obvious

But yeah, at least I know what’s going on here now.

I think you can attack Dat freely even without CW, but not gonna say more.


You’ve softed non-Prince killer a couple of times, but that still leaves a few options.

As of 4 people who didn’t claim and can be prince.

Nah I’m not prince

Then Maxwell/Eevee/Geyde need to claim ASAP.

Maxwell is suspected of being the convert and Geyde and Eevee are unknowns so far. This means the evils can easily PoE the Prince before protectives.

There was one class that I mentioned earlier before asking on what killers should do.

That’s all I will say for now.

… It occurs to me that SogMan could have been the Prince, if our earlier theory was correct. It would explain his questions about using day abilities.



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Nope I’m not warlock

Although it would be very funny.

Unless it’s that one


Oh right, that’s even more helpful
