[FoL] FoL23 - Day 4 - The Unseen and the Fool win!

No we aren’t. But if Eevee isn’t Prince, then it’s a Poss game

It’s either that or prince was disguised last night.
I overwhelmingly doubt the third option of prince fake claiming to hide themself as that would be utterly bad.

Either it’s Eevee, or there was an altered flip.

We should probably come up with backup plans for if Lymphoma is a real maid somehow.

Please craft for this possibility before the flip.

If Lymph is real Maid, I’m open to the possibility that Geyde is MM claiming Priest. Seems like a vet thing to do

If we’re really concerned about it, Priest is mechanically confirmable.

If lymph flips Maid, I will use my secondary night ability to modconfirm


Okay thanks

DOnt kill my cousin HatBird he just likes hats thats it

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Also @DatBird

Perfect thing to meme/lolcat with

already on it :stuck_out_tongue:

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FoL 22 had far better lolcatting than this.

Guys I think Dat is town, he’s convinced me hes obv the pally and it’s a cult game

oof thats just mean, Im trying my best, like cmon its my first time

Can Eevee jail H_Hja instead again if they’re Prince? I’d rather keep our confirmed Hunter safe. It also allows for Derp to TW someone because I’m pretty sure Derp is town. If I had to guess who the NK was, I’d probably guess Htm rn tbh. Like sorry mate, but you seem the most NK atm.

Disagree, we should jail people and see if there’s a missing nightkill as we then can clear them from being the NK.

Well JS… Arete, Me, or H_Hja is dead tonight lmao

Or Ozz

If Derp is out of jail, they can use PD and TW someone… removing the amount of people that could potentially die

That’s a fair assumption

But literally when I’m NK in SFoL/FM/FoL I get so scared of posting and just lurk around tbh. I really wouldn’t be as active as I am rn.