[FoL] FoL23 - Day 4 - The Unseen and the Fool win!

I agree

Official Voting Counter

Accused Votes Count
SirDerpsAlot 2/8 H_Hja, Lymphoma
Lymphoma 7/8 :crown: Kape, Possessed, SirDerpsAlot, Alice, Ozzkozz, Maxwell
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Who’s around to slam this??


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Here comes Hja.


Even Lymph has admitted it

(It’s probably sarcasm but honestly can’t tell so idk)

Going to hammer?

If town has finished discussion, then i don’t mind hammering tbh. If not, then no.

I believe they have.
We’ve gone over night plans for all three kinds of flips.

We’ve discussed all we can. Only a :hammer: is left.

@Alice is the best at this though.
Anything you want to add?
For NK or non-nk-neut or maid flips.

What are they?

Up to you. You give us the green light, and we hammer.

did prince put jail on dat?

Alice composed for mm flip
Arete composed for the other three, I believe


Eevee said they’re WIFOMing it.

The plan was to have possessed hh dat and to shoot him tonight

If eevee jails him, i believe both actions will be wasted, since this was the plan.