[FoL] FoL23 - Day 4 - The Unseen and the Fool win!

Implying that they’re a scum neut and that Lymph wasn’t an obvious Fool.

So confirmed EK SFed Tele. Hmm.

Let me guess, GT me?

Accused Votes Count
SirDerpsAlot 1/6 Datbird
Teleology 1/6 Possessed
Possessed 1/6 SirDerpsAlot
Alice 2/6 :crown: Kape
Kape 1/6 Alice

Hate to call out Priestess/Wazza here but they got the mechanic interpretation wrong.

If you’re BD, the only right move here is to execute Kape.

:man_shrugging: just go with the host interpretation, they are the one running it, or ask them yourselves how the rule works

Im not gonna get into it Dat.

Seems like a stretch. Even if they got the mechanical interpretation wrong, they wouldn’t allow a Sage to WoF their own Assassin if they believed that the Sage couldn’t.

Just vote up Prince already, you don’t gotta keep acting.

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Kings been sheeping you pretty hard, Tele. Want to explain?

How am I supposed to know? Even if I was Evil, King wouldn’t know I was evil.

There’s no mechanic that should stop a Sage from WoFing their assassin. Its wrong if that’s what they are saying.

Its literally a SS prevent for the unseen.

Y’know, can we just kill the actual obvious evil so far? Kape down today and Bird down tonight will effectively mean that we only need to find the two remaining evils.

Hey, please don’t call me obvious evil because I’m doing a pro-gamer move. This hurts my pride :cry:

Seriously, if the MM/Convert want to out, fine by me.

It’s pretty obvious that Lymph was a Fool or the Neutral was an Alch from how nobody’s actually taking up Kape’s offer.

Or you know, evils are afk for some reason.

Would be nice if they came and voted you tho.

A lot of people seem to be quiet
