[FoL] FoL23 - Day 4 - The Unseen and the Fool win!

wow not cool dat, stabbing a person whos completely lost d1

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2 bad 4 u, cuz he did.

We were right to bleed you then, apparently.

Was gonna make it blatantly obvious I was NK, then flip Sorceror. :slight_smile:

Imagine 2 for 1’ing the Prince and Archer but then changing it to kill the Archer and Knight


Btw… yes, yes… a Sage can visit their own unseen members. There aren’t such restrictions in FoL :wink:

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Also this game is the meaning of why mass claims = bad things.

(In most setups)



you figured that out a while ago but it was far too late.

of course lmao. Dat just 2 for 1’d the only bd that could kill him.



i didnt mind dying tho, got to watch this trainwreck of a game happen from a safe distance

Yeah Im always MM

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Ahhh wish I could have replaced in this game looked really fun!

Unfortunately you were a bit too late on subbing in.

Alice was most likely to TR Max and most likely to have protection even if they were sus

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Still have no clue why u were lynched. Sorry for that though


helped us and he refused to defend himself. Im not apologizing.

Sorry mate we had u down as NE, NK, or prince at that point since us dint convert. We took chances

Btw unseen: You let Jake go unkilled and unconverted after outing Priest? Y I K E S

Lol idc