[FoL] FoL23 - Day 4 - The Unseen and the Fool win!

tol mm is not occupy and redirection immune.

You fucking saved the game for Unseen


You had 0 chance of upping the Prince there but that Grand Trial literally changed the entire game.

Immediate Shock

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i owe you my life, my liege @Kape
I am eternally grateful.


Btw. Kape you also saved Datbirds life.


Frankly, I should have just executed Dat and we’d should have lyched Maxwell here.


With n2 guard, yeah.

Kape took a chance and it worked. No way hed know there wasn’t a convert

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Knew the guard was going to be carry!


Kape mvp

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This game was a surprising game as no faction played poorly.

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Took the chance and trusted me. :upside_down_face:

If we had GK. Unseen was screwed

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Except me

how the hell did datbird survive 4 days

Except that I had garbage reads…

Rare to see in this site.

I still think GT mechanics need to be reworked as lynching the outed Prince d3 is just nonsensical, tbh.

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This is basically every fol game evils have won

Luck and EK