[FoL] FoL23 - Day 4 - The Unseen and the Fool win!

Do you find that post to be genuine, Geyde? I’m thrown off a bit.

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(Am I allowed to continue my thingy?)

Iv given my defense, their isn’t much else I can do other than hope someone tests me and confirms I’m town

Sorry for speaking so late. What did I miss? :yum:

I’m investigative and I got a day check of scum on you… what do you think of my accusation?

I do.
It’s a strange thing to throw out at this point.


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I would think you’re scum seeing as how I’m town, also could be a frame

I think Geyde is likely town if SirDerp is scum, I don’t think Geyde would be so obvious otherwise.

I don’t 100% buy it. Theres a few ways to get out of a slip and I feel that’s one of them.

My check is unframable, what do you think now?

I wouldn’t clear them off of it, but we probably shouldn’t dispel the notion that there is the possibility of other scumteams.
I think we’re foaming at the mouth because of their posts.

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I would think you’re scum trying to get me killed which would be dumb because it would end up with you killed the next night

These reactions were interesting… what does everyone think about them?

Ill refocus my efforts tomorrow…I need sleep. It doesn’t hurt to pry more into SirDerps authenticity tonight for the rest of you, though.

Or they could be whiteknighting tbh… if Derps is town.

I don’t think those give any interesting things to work off of, but I’m a bit reassured you are town regardless of Derps’s alignment.

Whoever the invest is, invest me n1 and it’ll prove I’m town.

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You wanting to waste investigatives on yourself is scummy but you are new, and if I were new I would have done the same thing.

I mean, if I am scum then you could all execute me with 100% certainty that way