[FoL] FoL23 - Day 4 - The Unseen and the Fool win!

Reads are always gonna be partially wrong, like no one is that good at this game. Well maybe some are, but reads are like a book, yor first chapter may be wrong, but your second and third build upon that learning from your mistakes and new info revealed through those mistakes

If someone says its a gut read and they are town it would make me think what if they were a cult just tyring to get someone to seem sus withought needing evidence, but idk

Why do you keep mentioning that it’s a Cult game?


Then it would show in the entire post, not just the ‘gut read’ part.

Alice makes a good point honestly. ;/

I kind of am settled with Derp being likely a Cultist here, tbh.

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maybe derp might be a neut mindgaming us, mentioning both cult and unseen

Bad habit/subconsciously cult sounds better than evil


Unseen sounds cool too…and they’re purple.

Before I’d shelf him as a newbtown, but his recent string of posts have way too many scumtells for me to ignore, really.

Repeatedly slipping that this is a Cult game, not wanting to look wrong with his reads, focusing on survival and what, and to top it off his post with him wanting to NK hunt was just disasterous.

Quite sure my original hypothesis with him being a Cult with a Ritualist is correct.


Guess derp could be a pally slip or a cult slip.

The word dosent flow as well, also if I was cult do you really think I would be so uncarefull as to say its cult multiple times

Yes, this is kind of what slips are.

I just don’t trust the argument that you’d say cult over scum or evil, understandably your newer so I can’t say for sure but it at least makes you suspicious.

By that Im saying hopefully its actually unseen because then it would prove me saying cult wasnt because I was cult slipping

And what if a Paladin would out themselves right now, what would be your reaction?

I mean, it wouldnt help me, but I genuinely have no idea if its actually cult or unseen.

So your not paladin?

SirDerps, on the subject of whether it’s Cult or Unseen game.