[FoL] FoL23 - Day 4 - The Unseen and the Fool win!

tele, did you CM someone for last night?

See here’s the issue I have with this: You trust a Kings claim, a complete explanation of why Tele is likely Sage, and what do you get out of it?

The ability to let the drunk conveniently die because he could be Warlock.

Kape… ehhhh… Idk I feel like Jake is legit. And if we exe another BD it’s gg. The way that you said “Tele can’t be Sage” made me think that you were GK that SF’d me, but I have been scum reading you as evil for the majority of the game.

I can’t CM. I used Ice ward on H_Hja because they are confirmed Hunter and they have 2 bears left which can be really useful

Yes, I fealtied you n1. You literally cannot be Sage.

Yes, because I knew for a FACT that I would be under pressure to confirm myself just hours before the day began. I just got in here as a replacement and as such HAVEN’T LOOKED THROUGH THE THREAD! But sure EK, go for the LHF that is me because “Oh well Jake didn’t see that he needed confirmation therefore evil”

And if you are a GK and you see me flip BD, do not yell at me for being an idiot or a bad player. There are many reasons why I just didn’t see where I needed confirmation until today. One of them being, I was busy doing things.

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i’m not saying i trust Kape in particular. i find him to be EK 8 times out of 10 here.
However, I doubt he’d lie about his SF here.

He’s been acting EK-like the entire game. I’ve never really trusted him.

I’m sorry being a shit King?

Regardless, unless a sellsword exists, you’re warlock, possessed.

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There is no other possible explanation.

I literally just explained it to you and you are choosing not to listen. If its EK, even if Dat is assassin…pretty soon they get majority.

Datbird is alive, and he killed both the people who could have killed him.

must have missed this if you have an alternative explanation. Could you post a reply message to that so I can reference it?

If I was Warlock, I’d have honestly debbed Dat to the Priest. I wouldn’t be worried about nightvigs…nightvigs can be wrong.

Wall of Fire (Night) - Prevent all visits except that of The Assassin from affecting your target. - 2 uses

that doesn’t explain why datbird is alive
both the people datbird killed should have been able to kill him.

Its the same explanation because its really the only thing that could have happened.

Oh and btw. Hja isn’t confirmed Hunter just yet. We had a Demon drop.

How does it not explain it? Me and HTM were prevented. He 2 for 1ed HTM and Arete. Its pretty simple.