[FoL] FoL23 - Day 4 - The Unseen and the Fool win!

yes pardon


Alice is Prince, pardon!


Yeah I feel like we lose ):

The game’s pretty much a crapshoot rn. The winner will be in whichever team has the most active player.


@JakeTheWolfie @Maxwell
We have the MM on grand trial, they were close to quicklynching Poss so I had to force my hand.
Vote Execute while Prince handles Dat.

also king has basically 3 votes


Please get online and pardon ;;___;;


Vote pardon. I’m the obvious Prince here.

Also which one of these is the last Unseen?

I think max

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Shut up Tele, you are outed Sellsword.

Kape go away


Could you guys at least tell me who’s the last Unseen? Just curious.

I am trying to help town As much as possible.

Hey my scum reads we’re pretty accurate, you gotta admit.

I did say that Max/Dat/Jake/Poss were all scum, so let’s hope that’s not the case

It’s Maxwell, right?


@JakeTheWolfie @Maxwell
Alice is openwolfing MM
Tele is openwolfing Sellsword
Dat is outed Assassin

Vote EXE so BD can still win.

dont listen to EK

And Derps is outed convert. That’s the whole Unseen team. Listen to your GK, we’re lacking votes.

This thread-spamming when everyone is outed is fucking cancer.

@JakeTheWolfie, you need to pardon. @Kape is outed evil and trying to kill our price. @Teleology pretended to out as SS forcing @kape’s hand. You need to pardon.

Also, @Alice, you have my trust. We need to plan just in case the worst happens. Any ideas? I’m almost useless now as bd.