[FoL] FoL23 - Day 4 - The Unseen and the Fool win!

dont listen to EK

And Derps is outed convert. That’s the whole Unseen team. Listen to your GK, we’re lacking votes.

This thread-spamming when everyone is outed is fucking cancer.

@JakeTheWolfie, you need to pardon. @Kape is outed evil and trying to kill our price. @Teleology pretended to out as SS forcing @kape’s hand. You need to pardon.

Also, @Alice, you have my trust. We need to plan just in case the worst happens. Any ideas? I’m almost useless now as bd.

I’m sorry for attempting to win?

If this person doesn’t get online I can’t afford to out them.

If the last BD pardons, then we pretty much win.

We quicklynch Kape, then I’ll exe Dat.

D4 we quicklynch Poss, then N4 I’ll execute the one in Maxwell/Jake who didn’t pardon.

It’s a waiting game now.

Gotta convince them somehow.

Doubt you make it that far Alice.

I’m literally holding my breath. This is giving me anxiety

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Like, we insta-win if they don’t get on regardless of who they are.

You’re all outed and Ozz/Tele/Derp are spewed BD from what happened today.

Vote Votes Count
Execute 4/5 :crown: Kape, Datbird, Possessed
Pardon 4/5 Teleology, Ozzkozz, Derp. Hja
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Point is, Kape either single-handedly won or lost the game for you.

does the day auto end after this or do we still get to lynch someone after


Pardon, game carries on.
Execute, day ends.

So I’m not the best with this grand trial. I thought he said it wasnt majority, or am I wrong

It is majority.

And hammers five