[FoL] FoL23 - Day 4 - The Unseen and the Fool win!

I swear I played a game with them right when I started playing FM

Are they really new?

I have never seen them so I’m guessing?

Actually just remembered, apparently they’re an alt of their original account that they lost access to

So possibly not

We can figure out later, it’s fine for now.

Yeah they aren’t new.

Oh wow

Then they’re back to null for me

Btw if people want to check their tone from other games then these were the most recent ones I believe:

FoL 22 - scum warlock
MGS - town I believe (cant remember)

I’ll have to review their tone from FoL 22. Thank you for this.


/back up

Pretty sure Frostwolf is also in that category (I was doing my readlist and I noticed the numbers didn’t quite add up).

Good catch. For some reason I’m always mixing him up with others.

@Frostwolf103 come say hello and join the deductions.

Maybe a hunter play trying to attract attention and night actions.

That’s why I always keep yall in Null until you prove yourselves.

Luigis Mansion would like to agree to this

Lymphoma has supposedly played on another forum so dont be so lenient on their abilities.

Alright, folks, I have a readlist, organized from most townie to least.


Possessed: Lean BD, for now. They’re clearly making an active effort to solve the game and provide reads, and their actions generally seem to be BD-motivated. In general, they seem to be both an active and useful contributor to the thread.

Maxwell: Another person who seems to be genuinely trying to contribute. A bit more active than Possessed, but in my opinion their posts aren’t nearly as solvey, and seem to rely a bit more on prompting others. I appreciate the tentative readlist, and until I see evidence otherwise I think we can safely assume Maxwell is town.

Geyde: Also seems to be acting BD, trying to gamesolve, etc. I don’t like how they keep bringing up points saying they want to discuss them, then not providing analysis of them, but I don’t think it’s so much scum motivation as attempts to get other people to contribute (for use in later reads). I’m ranking Geyde below the others largely because from what I’ve heard, Geyde is very good at appearing BD no matter Geyde’s actual faction.

HTM: Seems to be making a good-faith effort to gamesolve, even if none of their contributions have been particularly groundbreakingly useful. Their logic seems genuine, and in a couple cases (such as the links to previous Lymphoma matches) they’ve put in extra effort beyond what might normally occur to people in order to be helpful.

Soulshade: Generally seems to be trying to move the thread in a productive direction, but mostly seems to be contributing in the form of general statements about what different factions tend to do, rather than actually providing reads on people (although they’ve had a couple reads so far). I haven’t played any matches with them before – does anyone else know how they tend to play?

Lymphoma: Incredible as this may seem, I actually have this as a slight townread – this is basically the towniest I’ve ever seen Lymphoma, even if admittedly my main potential comparison is FoL 22, where he was outed non-BD from D1 and among other things claimed Mastermind. The fact that he’s made any attempt at reading is a good sign. From any other player I’d be suspicious, but my “meta-read” on him is that he’s actually BD.

Null reads

Everyone who hasn’t posted yet, except Teleology

H_Hjasik: Posts so far have been nearly entirely fluff, but there haven’t been very many of them, so I’m inclined to treat it as NAI for now. If this continues this is going to shift to being a slight scumlean – there’s only so long you can go as town without coming up with something to actually contribute.

DatBird: Another ‘small amounts of fluff with no actual content’ poster. Like H_Hjasik, I’'m going to hold off judgment until I see a little more of them. (<I wrote that before seeing the post they just made, I’m not going to revise my read based on a single post but it does suggest to me that they were just a memeing townie, who’s now settled down into actually trying to solve.)

Teleology: Still a null read, but I’ve played ToL with her before and the lack of activity surprises me more than it were to come from someone else.


Kape: A bit less active than Kape typically is, and his posts have a much higher than average density of fluff compared to actual gamesolving. He was the Priest in FoL 22, and I had him in that game as a pretty clear townread from fairly early on; here, his posts seem more like someone who wants to look like he’s contributing, regardless of whether he is. I’m not sure how much of that is the fact that he’s the King this time around; still, I slightly suspect him of being EK.

Alice: I’m going to be honest, something about Alice’s posts just feels a little bit off. They seem to be acting substantially less solvey than they normally do, which is weird, because from what I’ve heard they’re generally regarded as a strong player (which might cast some doubt on my read). Overall, their posts feel like Alice wants to appear contribution-y, but without actually contributing. The comment about making another mistake on the caliber of trying to shoot the Prince makes me wonder if it’s an attempt to provide cover for future slips, or to claim that they did something like that again, and their comment about checking the inactives rather than executing them (particularly on D1, when executing them isn’t even an option) sort of makes me wonder if they’re scumbuddies with one of them, particularly with one who for any of various reasons would appear NS.

I think there’s almost certainly at least one scum in my nullreads, and quite probably more. I doubt my reads are good enough to avoid there being 1-2 scum in my townreads as well; I’d be surprised if there were more than two, but not that surprised since I’m still learning.


Reminder that people got IRL stuff, game might have just started at a bad time for them. I know it started right as we put a movie on at my house. But thanks for the meta for the new player.

I took that as a meme, but it is best to be weary in case.

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I honestly don’t know if making massive reads Day 1 first few hours is super needed but it’s a great incite non the less.

If that were the only thing vaguely off, I’d let it go, but their whole Iso feels suspicious, and in that context I find it more concerning.


It does show your somewhat devoted to the game at least.

I’ll reread it just by itself see if anything sticks out to me