[FoL] Forum of Lies 24 (16/16)

For this thing, if I’m e.g. a Princess, can I copypaste the Princess rolecard from the class card thread (even though it’s identical to a private host message)? Can I copypaste the Princess rolecard from my rolecard and say I copypasted it from the class card thread?

what if you copy-paste the word “the” from your classcard and the mods don’t find out.


Even though it’s the same, try to avoid doing it

Just call the guaranteed BD Prince


What the fuck Maxwell

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I see nothing wrong with this
Oh wait it’s light mode

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Why the fuck are you Danny DeVito?




Also no editting

Does quickediting typos count?


I am in Honolulu rn

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Are you graduation tripping?


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Enjoy. :slight_smile:

…I don’t think you understood my message very much but eh.

What I meant is, with the amount of unique BD’s there are, I see no reason for Inq not to be able to hunt them.

There are 2 outside of Prince and both of those have a lot of inherent power in confirmable claiming.

That you took it out of context for your game and it ended up not seamlessly fitting in with all past iterations of FoL should really not be surprising.

It should really be obvious why a loud class like Mystic or Priest through channel should not be able to be hunted…