[FoL] Forum of Lies 24 (16/16)

I thinks it’s 50/50 but I could be wrong

I got this information from @DatBird , co-host of FoL 22. It’s 50/50.

Used to be a meme that cult never spawned but Solic guaranteed they had the same chances

Roll incoming. Expect to receive your classcard within the next half hour.


I’ll be recording my screen the entire time while I do the rolls and then send the video to Geyde to avoid any confusion.

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Maxwell I appreciate how methodical you are <3

Gimme king

I believe everything else is updated now in the FoL classcard thread (if it’s not I’ll let you all know as I find more), but the Inquisitor and Inquisitive King classes are not fully updated there. The post I am replying to here are the version of Inquisitor and Inqusitive King that we will be using for this game.

The version of the Mind Flayer that we will be using is also different than the version of the class that is currently in the FoL classcard thread. The version we will be using is in the post I am replying to here. I added a substantial amount of text to the Mindstorm passive to make the ability more in line with Luxy’s intention, as there was a big discrepancy with this classcard when I received it in SFoL 56 that led me to get full feedback from Mindstorm when I shouldn’t have according to Luxy.

Mindstorm (Passive) - Once per night you may guess a player’s class. If you are correct you will empower your attack Brain Destruction to bypass protections. You will gain a one-night buff depending on the class type of the player in question. All players you correctly guess with this ability will have their votes negated on you silently for the next two days. Silently means that the vote will normally appear in vote counts, but the vote would be revealed to be inactivated if and only if either you get hammered or that vote would make the difference between one outcome and another for Parity at EoD. This passive will be disabled if you guess incorrectly twice. Cannot Target the King. You will never be informed as to whether or not you have succeeded with this ability, nor will you ever be informed if you lose this passive (if you lose it, you will not know and can still make attempts with it but they will do nothing then even if you are right), but you can attempt to use this ability multiple times on the same person if you would like. If you are attempting to guess a special type class, you must inform the host what class you would like to appear as to investigators for the night before you submit your guess. You may always attempt to use Insight and Mind Read, even if you normally would have run out of charges, in case you think you had previously succeeded in a use of Mindstorm on an Investigative Class, but if you are actually out of charges, you will be told that the ability has failed; for Insight right then and for Mind Read at the end of the following night phase.

you’re kidding me …

that’s not a passive, that’s a wallpost


I thought you dipped

Just rig it to get me an op class

It’s hard for me to communicate everything necessary about Mindstorm not providing full feedback in less textual space than that. If anyone else wants to try to write something more concisely that still includes all of the necessary information, feel free to do so and ping me with that.

I’m just trying to avoid the kind of error in feedback regarding the Mindstorm ability that was the case with me in SFoL 56. Luxy’s original post of the card had ambiguity in the Mindstorm ability which is why this misinterpretation happened with me receiving full feedback in SFoL 56.

Just tell them if they ask a question no need to write it all out

@Luxy Do you agree with everything I wrote in this paragraph being how mindstorm will work comprehensively and concisely? If so I can keep your much shorter text in the classcard but have this be actually how it works in detail.

Nah everyone needs to be clear on the rules because the good guys need to deduce which neutral killer it is. We can’t just let the NK have the advantage (only if I am NK though)

I haven’t dipped; I’ve been writing my rolling methodology before I roll. There are a lot of rolls to make so being clear on that is important.

Didn’t priestess ditch the forums or am i tripping

@Luxy I’ll keep your shorter text for Mindstorm to reduce clutter in the classcard, but do you consent and agree with this being how the Mindstorm ability works comprehensively?