[FoL] Forum of Lies 24 (16/16)

and to be fair, the presentation was really dumb because it talked about dress code on mass days(yes we have those) and they were making some… strange comments.

Like “girls wearing tight clothes are being harmful to male students because the males will think of their bodies instead of math”

so the photo was extra topical.

It’s easier to flatter and emotionally blackmail them into giving good grades.

And also easier for them.

and then they talked about how someone kept unscrewing and messing with the pressure on the bathroom sinks. However, it is also fun to shoot jets of water at your freinds in the stalls and I think they completely disregarded that argument.

And no, it didn’t cause permanent damage. Just water everywhere which we usually cleaned up anyways.

t i g h t c l o t h i n g

I hate when a girl shows their shoulder it’s so distracting

I was always very rule-abiding :eyes:

If you follow all the rules that don’t matter and aren’t actually affecting you then you can get away with being allowed to break the actually important ones that you actually care about :upside_down_face:

and that’s the story of how I got permission to get my gym credit by taking the class online

i hate when men literally exist

god so distracting


thank you derps.

It’s so irritating when i’m studying for math and some girl shows her elbows :unamused:

Also imagine not having musical as a gym credit.

I’ll head over to the void then

That’s … not gym …

also even if we were allowed to do that for gym I can’t sing, so there’s that


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and neither is taking the class online nerd. The school gives that credit for the noodle-armed like myself who don’t do sports or gym.

I really liked PE. But I liked all classes except French basically.

Imagine needing to take gym

Everyone spam geyde until he rolls

Sniffing chalk dust is allowed, but not a midriff

Basically the way it worked is that I would exercise, log how much I exercised, and provide “proof” in the form of a single photo of me exercising for the entire week’s worth

This had many benefits, such as ‘allowing me to take actually interesting classes during the school year,’ ‘allowing me to get gym credit for roller skating rather than anything that gets played in gym class,’ ‘not requiring me to be graded on athletic ability,’ and ‘not requiring me to take gym class with the class of 2019, nearly all of whom I had negative personal history with’

for the record the negative personal history was not my fault. mostly.


that reminds me of a project on Columbia i saw for my school

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