[FoL] Forum of Lies 24 - Night 3 (11/16) - Completed - The Unseen and the Warlock Win!

Hmmm. Not that I don’t trust you because I do and I’m pretty positive you’re town, but I don’t know if Marshal wants our discussions public so I’d ask him.

Not too sure. I’ve my own suspicions and lolpreflips that I think I brushed off in D2 but its coming back to me

Here: Lets just say I got a PoE list, and my night action was on one of them.

Actually no need for night actions I dont think I need to know that rlly XD

Any read discussions? (Yes or No)
How in depth were the discussions if there were?

Not very. :upside_down_face:

Gosh Darn it

Watch Gamethrower Shurian in action today!
Wolfing someone today!

Aaaaaaaaagh wtf Sam flipped Butler

As you can tell, I am not dead. Last night I guarded Arete.

Who’d cha Allies?

Also I think you can help shine some light on the chat in D1
Besides the discussion on Marshal, was there any other info given?

You actually lucked out I suppose. Our Butler claim was an actual butler and he didn’t poison you like we were gonna do.

So now instead of a dead king and potentially dead butler, we have a dead butler.

Sam: Back to the forums guys

Everyone: Lynch him D2

No. He did poison me.

It doesn’t work if they die during the day.


I’ve outed it before:


That’s what Arete told me.

He did? Why would he do that if he was gonna get hung?

During the Allies Chat?

He was already going to do it.

D1 chat.
And maybe D2 chat while you’re at it.