[FoL] Forum of Lies 24 - Night 3 (11/16) - Completed - The Unseen and the Warlock Win!

Yeah im tired and cant see it
Ill read in the morning when I have more energy
Throwing up half digested vegetables… urgh

Is there more tho

@Arete pls ping me with the wallpost
I’ll have energy for that. Probably. In the morning 8 hours from now.

wasn’t a wallpost

If Jake isn’t Prince
Their D1 looks…

I mean, yeah I’m tired. And I’m kinda basing off my moral baselines here, which is not a good way to judge in any forum match at all, but the amount of “content-generating” was… really dismissive in general? Urgh my head aint working

I’m 100% sure I’ll be changing up my readlist if Jake is groupscum here.

I think I can see a probable Jake+Derps team, but that just feels wrong >_>

Also scum may have attacked Arete?

Sleeping now. Need the rest. Will hopefully wake up better.

So yeah, this is the main post we were looking at. Jake thinks that there was one kill N1 because either it was a Cult game, or the NK couldn’t kill. We were thinking that this displays TMI, particularly in the case where it’s an Unseen game, that he’s aware the scum kill went through – note that he never considers ‘Unseen game, NK killed and Unseen didn’t’ as a possibility, only ‘Unseen game, Unseen killed and NK didn’t.’ This was combined with our general read on how Luxy and Jake changed progression on each other – although note that that no longer totally applies (although it’s possible that Luxy determined what Jake was with Detect Thoughts, and that’s why he stopped pushing on him).

This post could also be TMI-ish – one thing Alice noted in SF4 was approximately that evils will display more concern about theories about them that are true (the example she gave there was that I specifically asked about her read on me/Blue/Dat as the exact scumteam).

In any case, it’s not conclusive or anything, Luxy’s death + fakeclaiming Prince for no reason is way more significant in my opinion, but like … he’s bountied, there’s no risk here.

Speaking of which

What did you investigated this time, Derps?

Already said I’m not outing it Yet

So does that mean group scum attacked Luxy N1? That explains it

NK on other hand doesn’t know that.

Yes you should :unamused:

No I don’t think I wiill

Well if Jake flipped scum, so are you.

So how exactly are you going to prove you’re not one of them?

do it derps

Fine I found out someone was an alignment

Great…that’s not much

If this is unseen game and you’re converted then yeah you found out someone was an alignment.

Imagine converting me

I do.

Bye :wave:

Katze: Convinced Luxy is Town
Luxy: Flips scumsided Neut

If Jake isn’t Prince, they better have a real good defense because I’m pretty sure we had multiple people SR Jake but brush it aside because of the Prince softs.

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Ah yeah, that’s problem in my eyes now.

Can you post quotes where you townread Luxy?

Might be one or two more.