[FoL] Forum of Lies 24 - Night 3 (11/16) - Completed - The Unseen and the Warlock Win!

Depends on the flip. If Alex flips unseen, HH goes on Derps. If he flips anything else, HH on JGoes.

yeah i can get behind that.

i’m bleeding (in game)

i’m semi hammered

perfect time to solve this game


Jake is claiming NK

Wazza retroactively died overnight

I think those are the major developments since you left? I want Jake jailexe’d since that’s 100 percent safe, and I think we should king Frost because they’re more-or-less confirmed while simultaneously not super useful

Somebody heal this wonderful man.

Only worry is if MM got a convert off and Alex flips Unseen, we might have a new convert.

i’m down with frost being king

@JakeTheWolfie your play this game has been pitiful regardless of alignment. You are actually super frustrating to deal with. I admit i see where your coming from but it’s better if you take a step back, do something that relaxes you, then come back.

If alex flips MM I deserve to did

He flips ANYTHING in purple and it opens a convert slot.


He can’t flip anything but MM unless they converted him N2

you don’t have any excuses for your play this game either.

You were gamethrowing imo which is simply inexcusable

Because if he’s unseen he has to be MM due to my check

No u

do i smell a memesky i need to bitch our

Brother pls no

A check that has no credibility, mind you. You could have very well checked him the night you were converted.

I wasn’t converted tho

someone take me out back please

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Alright then, who was? You seem to think its me, but you’re incredibly sure you were going to die…then you were sure id Suicide.

Which is it?