[FoL] Forum of Lies 24 - Night 3 (11/16) - Completed - The Unseen and the Warlock Win!

I didn’t know how alch worked lol

I still think SirDerps as Converter.

Its been there nagging

So now that you know, what do you expect to happen tonight?

Look at the Conduit chat N1
Do you see what Derps was doing?

Ur gonna off yourself

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So who is the convert?


suicide pact?

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like i’m not drunk enough to do this shit

If I’m convert, it goes from a Insta kill to a bleed and I wouldn’t suicide. I don’t know why I’m still bothering to deduce what I already know from you SDA. :upside_down_face:

Hold me daddy.

Ok boomer either you kill yourself or out yourself as scum I’m good either way

/vote Frost KING

uh i’ll pass


go fuck yourself

Why are You sO mad that’s what’s going to Happen

how do i explain this

every day i deal with shitheads at my work for roughly 10 hours.

I have not met one customer who has been as uptight and annoying as you, and i’ve dealt with soccer moms with their little devils trashing the place.

reevaluate your choices this game and be humble

Hi guys we destroy derps today

You work in customer service now?
Man we gotta catch up sometime in Discord lol

I don’t wanna